De 100 sunneste matene på planeten
Å kjøpe sunt, næringsrik mat betyr ikke bare at du skal spise deilige retter; når du spiser sunn mat, du bidra til å forbedre din generelle helse - om det bygger muskler, skjerpe tankene dine, eller styrke hjertet ditt.
Neste gang du kommer innom markedet eller bestiller matlevering, Sørg for at dagligvarelisten din inneholder så mange av disse matvarene som mulig.
Hver av disse 100 sunneste, de mest næringsrike matvarer på planeten har spesielle helsefremmende krefter for å føre til ditt sunneste og lykkeligste liv. Og hvis du leter etter flere måter å holde kursen på med dine sunne spisemål, her er 21 beste sunne matlagingshacks noensinne du bør prøve!
Frukt og grønnsaker

Newsflash:Grønnsaker kan hjelpe deg å gå ned i vekt!
Greit, greit, vi innrømmer at det ikke akkurat er nyheter, men visste du at når det kommer til raskt vekttap, regner noen grønnsaker øverst, mens andre faller ganske flatt i sammenligning? Det er sant! Takket være deres spesifikke ernæringsprofiler, visse plukker fra produsentgangene kan hjelpe deg med å trimme ned ved å øke stoffskiftet, slå av magefettgener, og stekeskive-og det er på toppen av alle de andre helseforbedrende fordelene. Les videre for å lære hvilke deilige plukker som passer regningen, og oppdag deilige måter å inkludere dem i kostholdet ditt.
Popeyes favorittgrønnsak er en god kilde til ikke bare protein, men også vitamin A og C, antioksidanter og hjertesunt folat. En kopp grønn supermat har nesten like mye protein som et hardkokt egg-for halvparten av kaloriene. Ønsker du å få det største ernæringsmessige pengene for pengene? Sørg for å dampe spinaten din i stedet for å spise den rå. Denne tilberedningsmetoden hjelper til med å beholde vitaminer og gjør det lettere for kroppen å absorbere greenens kalsiuminnhold. Tilsett en håndfull supper, proteinshakes, omelett, pastaretter, og grønnsaksrøre, eller bare damp den og topp med pepper, hvitløk, olivenolje og en skvis sitron.
En annen veggie som er verdt et sted i kostholdet ditt er sennepsgrønt. Når dampet, de gir hele 922 prosent av din RDI for vitamin K, 96 prosent av vitamin A, og 47 prosent av vitamin C per kopp, og de har en rekke sykdomsbekjempende egenskaper takket være deres høye glukosinolatinnhold. Glukosinolater er plantekjemikalier som kroppen din omdanner til isotiocyanater, som har vist seg å avverge kreft. Faktisk, ifølge en anmeldelse i journalen Nåværende farmasøytisk design , glukosinolater kan beskytte mot og kan til og med representere en terapeutisk strategi mot flere former for dødelig sykdom.
Grønnkål har definitivt hatt sitt øyeblikk i solen (og deretter noen), men så langt som sunne grønnsaker går, det er absolutt rosverdig. Cruciferous green (som til og med er tilgjengelig på McDonald's i disse dager) er lastet med helsefremmende næringsstoffer som vitamin A, fosfor, og B -vitaminer som folat, og den har to ganger vitamin C som spinat, en annen ernæringsmessig superstjerne. Dessuten, en studie i journalen JRSM kardiovaskulær sykdom fant ut at et høyt daglig forbruk av grønne blad- og korsblomstret grønnsaker (som grønnkål) signifikant reduserte forekomsten av flere typer kardiovaskulær sykdom, den viktigste dødsårsaken blant kvinner i USA Og siden grønnsaken er like allsidig som de kommer, gjerne legge litt grønnkål til en rekke måltider, alt fra eggretter til elendige, og drinker som juice og smoothies.
Neste gang du lager en salat, hvorfor ikke kaste litt brønnkarse der inne? Den grønne grønnsaken er en utmerket kilde til folat, som har vist seg å stimulere vekttap. Faktisk, en studie i British Journal of Nutrition fant ut at de med de høyeste folatnivåene mister omtrent 8,5 ganger mer vekt når de slankes enn de med de laveste nivåene av folat. Hva mer? En egen studie i British Journal of Cancer fant at høyere inntak av folat i kosten reduserer risikoen for brystkreft. I tillegg til brønnkarse, andre gode kilder til folat inkluderer spinat, asparges, og papaya.
5Soltørkede tomater
Tomater er fullpakket med antioksidanten lykopen, som studier viser kan redusere risikoen for blære, lunge, prostata, hud, og magekreft, samt redusere risikoen for koronarsykdom. Bare en kopp soltørket versjon gir deg 6 gram mettende protein, 7 gram fiber og 75 prosent av RDA av kalium, som er avgjørende for hjertehelse og vevsreparasjon. De er også rike på vitamin A og K. Bruk dem som pizzatopp, et smakfullt tillegg til salater, eller snack dem rett ut av posen.
Ghrelin er kroppens "jeg er sulten" hormon, som undertrykkes når magen er full, så å spise mettende fiberrik og proteinrik mat er en no-brainer. Den ydmyke artisjokken er en vinner på begge punkter:Den har nesten dobbelt så mye fiber som grønnkål (10,3 g per middels artisjokk, eller 40 prosent av daglig fiber den gjennomsnittlige kvinnen trenger) og et av de høyeste proteintallene blant grønnsaker. Kok og spis hele shebangen som en frittstående salat (hvorfor ikke tilsette litt geitost og soltørkede tomater?), kast bladene med favorittgrønnene og dressingen, eller skrell og legg hjertene på sunne pizzaer og flatbrød og miste magefett.
Det er nok til å få Popeye til å ta en spott:Til tross for deres rykte rykte, en kopp grønne erter inneholder åtte ganger proteinet fra en kopp spinat. Og med nesten 100 prosent av din daglige verdi av vitamin C i en enkelt kopp, de vil hjelpe til med å holde immunsystemet oppe. Legg dem i en mason jar salat eller legg dem til en omelett for å øke eggets mettende kraft.
Du har kanskje hørt at krydret varm paprika kan hjelpe deg med å brenne kalorier, men visste du at mild paprika kan ha samme effekt? Takket være en stoffskifteforsterkende forbindelse, dihydrocapsiate, og deres høye vitamin C-innhold, søt rød og grønn paprika kan hjelpe deg å gå ned i vekt. En kopp med disse klokkeformede grønnsakene serverer opptil tre ganger dagens anbefalte vitamin C-et næringsstoff som motvirker stresshormoner som utløser fettlagring rundt midten.
I SLEKT :Lær hvordan du aktiverer stoffskiftet og går ned i vekt på en smart måte.
I tillegg til å avverge prostata, bryst, kreft i lunge og hud, Denne blomstrende grønnsaken kan også hjelpe deg med å gjøre midten din vanskelig. Ifølge eksperter, brokkoli inneholder et fytonæringsstoff som kalles sulforaphane som øker testosteron og bekjemper lagring av kroppsfett. Den er også rik på vitamin C (bare en kopp ting kan hjelpe deg med å treffe ditt daglige merke), et næringsstoff som kan senke nivåene av kortisol i stressende situasjoner. Den eneste ulempen? Det kan gjøre noen mennesker med følsomme mager litt gassete og oppblåste-noe som ikke ser bra ut hvis du planlegger å slå på stranden eller rocke et tettsittende antrekk. Det er ingen grunn til å unngå denne grønnsaken daglig. selv om. Pisk opp vår parmesanstekte brokkoli-oppskrift for å høste fordelene med magen-bare kanskje ikke dagen før du må se din slankeste ut.
Gulrøtter er en utmerket kilde til vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K, kalium, og fiber, og det er bare toppen av det ernæringsmessige isfjellet. Betakaroten-forbindelsen som gir gulrøtter sin oransje nyanse-har vært knyttet til redusert risiko for å utvikle visse typer kreft. Per en American Journal of Clinical Nutrition studie av over 3, 000 kvinner, de som hadde høyere nivåer av betakaroten i blodet, hadde en 59 prosent lavere risiko for en bestemt type brystkreft (ER-negativ brystkreft) enn kvinner med lavere nivåer. En annen beslektet forbindelse finnes også i gulrøtter, alfa-karoten, reduserte kreftrisikoen med omtrent 39 prosent.
En annen studie publisert i tidsskriftet Ernæring og kreft foreslått betakaroten kan avverge lungekreft. Ifølge forskere, beta-karoten og alfa-karoten er karotenoider som kroppen vår omdanner til vitamin A, som er viktig for immunfunksjonen, opprettholde friske celler, og aktivering av kreftfremkallende metaboliserende enzymer.
Pickles er lav-cal, fylt med fiber og dekket av eddik - som er gode nyheter for livet. Faktisk, bare en stor sylteagurk har 15 kalorier og 2 gram fiber som fyller magen, så å spise tre eller fire kan faktisk gjøre at du føler deg ganske mett på mindre enn 100 kalorier! Hver diett vet at å spise mettende snacks er avgjørende for vekttap, men hvordan hjelper eddiken fettbekjempelsen? Studier viser at sure matvarer bidrar til å øke hastigheten som kroppen forbrenner karbohydrater med opptil 40 prosent - og jo raskere du brenner av karbohydrater, jo før kroppen begynner å forbrenne fett, som kan hjelpe deg med å få det magre utseendet du ønsker. Legg til disse tangy, syltede agurker til smørbrød og burgere, eller kos deg med dem alene for å begynne å føle deg tryggere på skivviene dine.
Hvis du vanligvis spiser potetene dine varme ut av ovnen, du går glipp av spudens fettbekjempende supermakter. Når du kaster poteter i kjøleskapet og spiser dem kaldt, deres fordøyelige stivelse blir til resistente stivelser gjennom en prosess som kalles retrogradering. Som navnet tilsier, resistent stivelse, vi vil, motstår fordøyelsen, som fremmer fettoksidasjon og reduserer magefett. Siden det å spise kaldbakte poteter ikke høres for appetittvekkende ut, hvorfor ikke bruke de avkjølte spydene til å lage en potetsalat i stedet? Slik gjør du det:Stek røde poteter i ovnen til de er gjennomstekte og la dem avkjøle helt. Deretter, skjær dem i små skiver og kle dem med dijonsennep, fersk pepper, hakket grønn løk (mer om denne grønnsaken neste), dill og vanlig gresk yoghurt. Bland alt sammen og sett i kjøleskapet for å avkjøles før det spises.
1. 3Søte poteter
Selv om hvite poteter gir litt kalium og fiber, søtpoteter troner faktisk øverst på ernæringsavdelingen. En stor søtpotet inneholder rundt 4 gram mettingsfremmende protein, 25 prosent av dagens fiber for magefylling, og 11 ganger det anbefalte daglige inntaket av vitamin A, som har vist seg å ha kreftbekjempende egenskaper. En Taiwan-basert studie i Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition fant at høyere forbruk av vitamin A-rike grønnsaker, spesielt krans av krysantem og søte potetblader, kan gi potensiell beskyttelse mot lungekreft. All den ernæringen og beskyttelsen for mindre enn 200 kalorier? Regn oss inn!
Løk er rik på quercetin, en flavonoid som øker blodstrømmen og aktiverer et protein i kroppen som hjelper til med å regulere glukosenivået, fakler lagret fett og forhindrer at nye fettceller dannes. For ikke å nevne, løk er i utgangspunktet den usynlige helten for kardiovaskulær helse - et viktig velværeområde for alle, men spesielt de som slo hardt til treningsstudioet for å akselerere sin vektreduksjon. Den kulinariske stiftet kan bidra til å senke kolesterolet, avverge herding av arteriene og bidra til å opprettholde sunne blodtrykksnivåer. Den beste delen? Løk er super lavkalde og lette å kaste i omtrent alt, fra supper, hjemmelagde burgere, smørbrød og elendige til pasta, salater, veggiesider, ris og omelett.
15Spaghetti squash
Den gjennomsnittlige amerikaneren bruker omtrent 15,5 kilo pasta hvert år - og det meste er raffinerte hvite ting. Dessverre, Denne typen nudler er vanligvis tom for fiber og mikronæringsstoffer. Spaghetti squash, på den andre siden, har bare omtrent 40 kalorier per kopp - mer enn 75 prosent færre kalorier enn en kopp vanlig pasta - og er en utmerket kilde til vitamin A og kalium, som vil holde musklene tonet og sterk. Kalebassen inneholder også kreftbekjempende betakaroten, og doble mengden omega-3 fettsyrer som finnes i butternut squash.
Sopp regnes som helsekost-all-stars fordi de er en god kilde til kalium, som er avgjørende for muskelhelse og restitusjon, og kan også senke blodtrykket og redusere effekten av et høyt natriummåltid. I tillegg til å være kalorifattig og fettfri, forskning har vist å spise sopp kan føre til økt immunitet og beskytte mot kreft. En studie trykt i journalen 3Biotech som sammenlignet effekten av soppekstrakt på mus fant at de som ble behandlet med ekstraktet opplevde reduksjoner i prostatatumorstørrelse og tumorcelleproliferasjon sammenlignet med kontrollgruppen av mus som ikke ble behandlet.
Det er et naturlig vanndrivende middel, så asparges, som inneholder mindre enn 5 gram sukker per porsjon, kan lindre oppblåsthet og andre ubehagelige følelser. Den grønne grønnsakens balanse mellom aminosyrer og mineraler kan også bidra til å lindre bakrusymptomer, ifølge en studie i Journal of Food Science .
Disse rubinrøde røttene inneholder en type antioksidant som kalles betalains som hjelper til med å reparere og regenerere celler i leveren, kroppens primære detoxorgan. Rødbeter er også høy i immunforsterkende vitamin C, fiber, og essensielle mineraler som kalium, som muliggjør sunn nerve- og muskelfunksjon, og mangan, som er bra for beinene dine, lever, nyrer, og bukspyttkjertelen. Hva mer? Rødbeter inneholder også nitrater som, ifølge en studie i Journal of Nutrition, senker blodtrykket og hjelper de med kronisk nyresykdom.
Ifølge en studie fra 2014 publisert i tidsskriftet Fedme , tygge til maten er klumpfri, øker antall kalorier kroppen forbrenner under fordøyelsen:ca 10 ekstra kalorier for et måltid på 300 kalorier, betyr at bare ved å senke hastigheten du tygger, du kan potensielt brenne omtrent 2, 000 ekstra kalorier hver måned. Studien fant også at tygging av mat øker blodstrømmen til mage og tarm mer grundig, som kan bidra til å forbedre fordøyelsen og absorpsjonen av flere næringsstoffer fra maten din. Vurderer selleri har lenge blitt hyllet som en av de tykkeste grønnsakene rundt, gjør det tilnærmet kalorifritt, det er verdt å legge til litt i kostholdet ditt. Prøv å kaste den fuktighetsgivende grønnsaken i en tomat- eller kyllingsuppe for en ekstra knase som lett vil senke det totale kalorietallet for måltidet. Bortsett fra å være super seig, selleri er også lavkarbo og relativt fiberrik-bare en kopp hakket grønnsak har 1,6 gram mettende næringsstoff.
Ifølge en anmeldelse publisert i tidsskriftet Molekylær ernæring og matforskning antocyaniner, flavonoider som gir eggplanter sin unike farge, vil gi deg en rekke imponerende fordeler. Nevnte fordeler inkluderer, men er ikke begrenset til, fedme kontroll, diabetes kontroll, forebygging av hjerte- og karsykdommer, og forbedring av visuelle og hjernefunksjoner som et skarpere korttidshukommelse og redusert betennelse. Kast litt av denne deilige grønnsaken i en stekepanne eller lag litt babaganoush-en auberginebasert pålegg med færre kalorier enn hummus.
Spirulina er et høyt proteinholdig tangtilskudd som vanligvis tørkes og selges i pulverform. De tørkede tingene er omtrent 60 prosent protein, og, som quinoa, det er et komplett protein, betyr at den kan konverteres direkte til muskler i kroppen og er dermed et flott verktøy for vekttap. En spiseskje av blågrønne alger gir 8 gram metabolisme-boostende protein for bare 43 kalorier, pluss en halv dags tildeling av vitamin B12, som i seg selv kan gi deg mer energi og øke stoffskiftet. Prøv å kaste litt spirulina i en smoothie og se kiloene smelte av.
Sauerkraut er ikke bare for pølser; denne lakto-fermenterte kålen, som inneholder naturlige forbindelser, kan ha kraftige kreftbekjempende og magebaskete egenskaper. Når den er upasteurisert, surkål er rik på Lactobacillus -bakterier - enda mer enn yoghurt - som øker den sunne floraen i tarmkanalen, styrker immunsystemet ditt, og til og med forbedrer din generelle helse. En studie fra 2013 publisert i World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology fant at mus som fôret med et probiotisk rikt surkålekstrakt hadde redusert kolesterolnivå.
Selv om det er noe skurkaktig for å ha mye kalorier, avokado er mer enn verdig en rolle i kostholdet ditt. Bare halvparten av en avokado inneholder 4,6 gram fiber som fyller magen, og den grønne fruktens mettende krefter er så sterke at en studie i Nutrition Journal oppdaget at folk som tilsatte en halv fersk avokado til måltidet, rapporterte om et redusert ønske om å spise i timevis etterpå med 40 prosent. Dessuten, avokado inneholder metabolisme-forsterkende enumettet fett som har vist seg å redusere sult, og umettet fett, som ser ut til å forhindre lagring av magefett. Faktisk, ifølge en anmeldelse som dukket opp i journalen Fytoterapiforskning , avokado kan bidra til å bekjempe metabolsk syndrom, som er en samling av risikofaktorer, inkludert høyt blodsukker, kolesterol, blodtrykk, og kroppsmasseindeks som da kan føre til økt risiko for diabetes type 2 og hjerte- og karsykdommer.
24Svart Sapote
Kjent som "sjokoladepuddingfrukten, "svart sapote smaker som ... sjokoladepudding. Ikke rart det er en Eat This, Ikke det! favoritt! Bedragerisk rik og kremaktig, en porsjon på 100 gram har 130 kalorier og 191 mg vitamin C, eller det dobbelte av en appelsin. (Det er en mikrofondråpe, sjokoladepudding.) En studie publisert i Food Research International fant svart sapote å være en god kilde til karotenoider og katekiner, som stimulerer frigjøring av fett fra fettceller og hjelper leveren til å omdanne fett til energi.
Slik nyter du det: Med opprinnelse i Sør -Amerika, svarte sapoter finnes i Florida og Hawaii, og enkelte produsenter på nettet sender dem i USA. Hengivne sverger til dem for kalte paier og smoothies.
25Rubinrød grapefrukt
En studie fra 2012 trykt i journalen Metabolisme fant å spise en halv grapefrukt før måltider kan bidra til å redusere visceralt (magefett) og lavere kolesterolnivå. Deltakerne i den seks uker lange studien som spiste grapefrukt for hvert måltid, så midjen deres krympe med opptil en tomme! Forskere tilskriver effektene til en kombinasjon av fytokjemikalier og vitamin C i grapefrukt. Vurder å ha halvparten av en grapefrukt før havregryn i morgen, og kutt noen segmenter til en forrettssalat.
26Terte kirsebær
Det har vist seg at terte kirsebær er til nytte for både hjertes helse og kroppsvekt, i en studie på overvektige rotter. En 12-ukers studie av University of Michigan-forskere fant at rotter som ble matet med antioksidantrike terte-kirsebær, viste en reduksjon på magefett på 9 prosent sammenlignet med rotter som fikk et "vestlig kosthold". Videre, forskerne bemerket at kirsebærforbruket hadde en dyp evne til å endre uttrykket av fettgener. Nyt noen sammen med disse beste frokostmatene for vekttap.
Bær - bringebær, jordbær, blåbær - er fullpakket med polyfenoler, kraftige naturlige kjemikalier som kan hjelpe deg å gå ned i vekt - og til og med stoppe fettdannelse! I en nylig studie fra Texas Woman's University, forskere fant at fôring av mus tre daglige porsjoner bær reduserte dannelsen av fettceller med opptil 73 prosent!
28Açai bær
Açai bær er slike superstjerner, de fortjener en inngang helt for seg selv. Trenger du bevis? En studie i Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry oppdaget at de svartlilla bærene inneholder høyere nivåer av antioksidanter enn granatepler og blåbær. Og en studie fra University of Florida fant at et akai-ekstrakt utløste en selvødeleggelsesrespons hos opptil 86 prosent av leukemicellene den kom i kontakt med-et lovende funn for forskere som jobber med å kurere kreft.
Sikkerhetskopiert og oppblåst? Snack på kiwi. Den grønne frukten kan hjelpe deg med å komme i toppform takket være dens evne til å hjelpe fordøyelsen. Selv om den er liten, kiwi inneholder en stor mengde aktinidin, et naturlig enzym som hjelper til med å lette fordøyelsen ved å bryte ned protein i kroppen. Den tropiske frukten inneholder også prebiotisk fiber, som primerer tarmen for sunn fordøyelse. Faktisk, ifølge en studie fra 2015 publisert i Ernæringsforskning , en daglig porsjon grønn kiwi bidrar til å øke avføringen.
30Rosa dame epler
Epler er en god fruktkilde til fiber, hvilke studier har vist seg å være en integrert del av å redusere visceralt fett. En nylig studie ved Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center fant at for hver 10 gram økning i løselig fiber spist per dag, visceralt fett ble redusert med 3,7 prosent over fem år. En studie utført av forskere fra University of Western Australia fant at Pink Lady -sorten hadde det høyeste nivået av antioksidantflavonoider.
Vannmelon får noen ganger en dårlig rap for å ha mye sukker, men frukten har noen imponerende helsemessige fordeler. Å spise vannmelon kan forbedre lipidprofiler og lavere fettakkumulering, ifølge forskere fra University of Kentucky. Enda bedre, en studie av idrettsutøvere ved Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena i Spania fant vannmelonsaft for å redusere muskelsmerter. Og å holde seg hydrert med mat som vannmelon er bare en av måtene å spise vannet på.
Druer er en annen frukt som ofte blir oversett på grunn av det høye sukkerinnholdet, men ikke la det avskrekke deg fra å spise en håndfull av disse babyene nå og da. Det er fordi både druer og druesaft er rike kilder til resveratrol, en fytokjemisk godt studert for kreftbekjempende effekter. Forskning tyder på polyfenoler generelt, og resveratrol spesielt, har sterke antioksidanter og antiinflammatoriske egenskaper, og i laboratoriestudier forhindret resveratrol den typen skade som er kjent for å utløse kreftprosessen i cellen, vev, og dyremodeller. I følge Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, resveratrol ble funnet å hemme spredning av kreftceller via apoptose og ved å utøve antiøstrogene effekter, og reduksjoner i brystkreftcellemigrasjon og invasjon ble observert etter resveratrol -tilskudd.
Den ydmyke frukten - botanisk, faktisk et bær!-er kanskje den minst varslede supermarkedstiften. Men dens krefter er bevist, og for å undersøke hvor effektive de kan være, Spis dette, Ikke det! konsulterte vårt team av ernæringseksperter for å finne ut nøyaktig hva det å spise en banan gjør med kroppen din.
Granatepler er ikke bare fullpakket med protein og fiber som fyller magen (som finnes i fruktens spiselige frø), men de inneholder også antocyaniner, tanniner, og høye nivåer av antioksidanter, hvilken forskning publisert i International Journal of Obesity sier kan bidra til å bekjempe vektøkning. Kast noen granateplefrø på en salat for en smakebit, eller bland dem til en smoothie for å øke drikkens næringsinnhold.
I tillegg til å lukte godt og se pen ut, sitron kan også bidra til å oppmuntre til vekttap. Bare en av de lyse sitrusfrukter inneholder en hel dags vitamin C, et næringsstoff som har makt til å redusere nivåene av et stresshormon kalt kortisol som utløser sult og fettlagring. I tillegg sitroner inneholder også polyfenoler, som forskere sier kan avverge fettakkumulering og vektøkning. Tro det eller ei, selv skallet er gunstig fordi det er en kraftig kilde til pektin - en løselig fiber som har vist seg å hjelpe folk til å føle seg fyldigere, lengre. Ifølge en studie publisert i Journal of the American College of Nutrition , deltakere som spiste bare 5 gram pektin opplevde mer metthet.
Som deres gule slektninger, appelsiner er fulle av vitamin C-bare en av de smakfulle fruktene gir svimlende 130 prosent av vitamin C-behovet ditt for dagen. Derimot, det som skiller appelsiner fra sitroner er deres tilsynelatende evne til å redusere kvinners slagrisiko. Ifølge forskning rapportert i Stroke:Journal of the American Heart Association i 2012, å spise større mengder av et flavonoid kalt flavanon (som er rikelig i appelsiner og grapefrukt) kan redusere sjansene for å få et iskemisk slag. Studien fant at kvinner som spiste store mengder flavanon hadde en 19 prosent lavere risiko for iskemisk slag enn kvinner som spiste minst.
For de fleste amerikanere, te er te. Derimot, på steder som Japan, Storbritannia, og store skår i Sørøst -Asia, teblader er like forskjellige og nyanserte som vindruer. Ikke bare endrer smaksprofilen seg dramatisk mellom en tesort og den neste, men det gjør også helsemessige fordeler. Ikke bare kan visse bryggerier bekjempe ulike sykdommer, utvalgte teer har også vist seg å øke metabolismen, dempe sult, slash midje-utvide stress og krympe fettceller. Da taiwanske forskere studerte mer enn 1, 100 mennesker over en 10-års periode, de bestemte at de som drakk te hadde nesten 20 prosent mindre kroppsfett enn de som drakk ingen!
For å sikre at du brygger de beste koppene for dine vekttapsmål, Vi har avrundet de mest potente teene fra hele verden.
37Grønn te
Få dette:Grønn te sprenger bokstavelig talt bort flab! Forskere tilskriver fettforbrenningsegenskapene til grønn te til katekiner, spesielt EGCG - navnet på en gruppe antioksidative forbindelser som sprenger fettvev ved å forandre metabolismen, øke frigjøringen av fett fra fettceller (spesielt i magen), og deretter øke hastigheten på leverens fettforbrenning. Det blir bedre:Forskning tyder på at kombinering av vanlig grønn te-drikking med trening kan maksimere fordelene ved vekttap. En studie i Journal of Nutrition fant at deltakere som kombinerte en daglig vane på 4-5 kopper grønn te med en 25-minutters treningsøkt, mistet 2 kilo mer enn de som ikke drikker te.
38Hvit te
Generelt sett, te er et utmerket sukkerfritt alternativ til sykt søte brus og juice, og, som du snart vil lære, hver te -te har sine egne fordeler med vekttap. For eksempel, en studie i journalen Ernæring og metabolisme funnet hvit te kan samtidig stimulere nedbrytningen av fett i kroppen samtidig som det blokkerer dannelsen av nye fettceller-en magesprengende dobbel whammy!
39Svart te
Italienske forskere fant at å drikke en kopp svart te om dagen forbedrer kardiovaskulær funksjon - og jo flere kopper du drikker, jo mer du tjener! Bedre kardiovaskulær funksjon betyr at du kan brise deg gjennom den 5K du registrerte deg for. Og en studie publisert i Prosedyrer fra National Academy of Sciences avslørte at å drikke 20 gram svart te daglig får kroppen til å skille ut fem ganger mer interferon, et sentralt element i kroppens infeksjonsbeskyttelsesarsenal.
40Rød te
Rooibos -te er laget av bladene på planten "rød busk", vokst utelukkende i den lille Cederberg -regionen i Sør -Afrika, i nærheten av Cape Town. Det som gjør rooibos -te spesielt godt for magen din, er en unik og kraftig flavonoid kalt Aspalathin. Ifølge sørafrikanske forskere, polyfenoler og flavonoider som finnes i planten hemmer adipogenese - dannelsen av nye fettceller - med hele 22 prosent. Kjemikaliene hjelper også til med å hjelpe fettmetabolismen. Plus, Rooibos er naturlig søt, så du trenger ikke tilsette sukker. Det er heller ikke teknisk en te - det er en urteinfusjon.
41Pu-erh te
En annen stjerne av Den 7-dagers Flat-Belly Tea Cleanse , denne gjærede kinesiske teen kan bokstavelig talt krympe størrelsen på fettcellene dine! To discover the brew's fat-crusading powers Chinese researchers divided rats into five groups and fed them varying diets over a two month period. In addition to a control group, there was a group given a high-fat diet with no tea supplementation and three additional groups that were fed a high-fat diet with varying doses of pu-erh tea extract. The researchers found that the tea significantly lowered triglyceride concentrations (potentially dangerous fat found in the blood) and belly fat in the high-fat diet groups.
42Oolong Tea
Not to be outdone, oolong tea—a Chinese beverage—can help those who drink it shed up to a pound per week. According to a 2009 study in the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine , participants who regularly sipped oolong tea lost six pounds over the course of six weeks. What's more? The tea's antioxidants are thought to remove harmful free radicals and improve bone health.
Kombucha is a slightly effervescent fermented drink made with black or green tea and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, known as a SCOBY. This fermented tea is filled with gut-healthy probiotics which can help balance good gut bacteria and help boost your immune system. Faktisk, researchers at Cornell University discovered that the trendy beverage may promote immunity on account of its powerful anti-microbial properties, which can fight off pathogenic bacteria. What's more? Kombucha still has the healthy properties of tea, including superstar antioxidants.
Red Meat &Pork
Although the chicken breast is the gold standard of healthy grilling that can aid weight loss—low fat, high protein—the key to any successful eating plan is variety, and research indicates that you now have options. While you still want to steer away from traditional supermarket ground chuck, there are ways to enjoy a beef burger knowing you're doing right by your waistline. And you can open up your grill to more creative choices, too—all packed with nutrients and protein that'll keep your fitness goals on track without sacrificing flavor.
44Grass-Fed Beef
When it comes to steak or burgers, go grass-fed. It may ding your wallet, but it'll dent your abs. Grass-fed beef is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat:A lean seven-ounce conventional strip steak has 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a seven-ounce grass-fed strip steak has only 234 calories and five grams of fat. Grass-fed meat also contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, according to a study published in Nutrition Journal , which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.
While grass-fed beef is an excellent choice, bison's profile has been rising in recent years, and for good reason:It has half the fat of and fewer calories than red meat. According to the USDA, while a 90%-lean hamburger may average 10 grams of fat, a comparatively sized buffalo burger rings in at 2 grams of fat with 24 grams of protein, making it one of the leanest meats around. But wait, taking a chance on this unexpected meat will earn you two healthy bonuses:In just one serving you'll get a full day's allowance of vitamin B-12, which has been shown to boost energy and help shut down the genes responsible for insulin resistance and the formation of fat cells; additionally, since bison are naturally grass-fed, you can confidently down your burger knowing it's free of the hormones and pollutants than can manifest themselves in your belly fat.
Lower that eyebrow you're raising. Ostrich meat is the rising star of the grill. While it's technically red and has the rich taste of beef, it has less fat than turkey or chicken. A four-ounce patty contains nearly 30 grams of the muscle building nutrient and just six grams of fat. Plus, one serving has 200% of the daily recommended allowance of vitamin B-12. This exotic meat can also help whittle your middle:Ostrich contains 55 milligrams of choline, one of these essential nutrients for fat loss. And it's not as hard to find as it sounds—ostrich is increasingly available in supermarkets around the country.
47Bone Broth
While bone broth might not be for everyone, it's hard to deny the warm beverage's numerous health benefits. The broth is made when animal bones (usually beef or chicken) are left to simmer in water for an extended period of time, which breaks down their collagen and other nutrients. Some of that broken down material from the cartilage and tendons is glucosamine (which you may have seen sold as a supplement for arthritis and joint pain). Ifølge en studie publisert i tidsskriftet PLOS One , when overweight, middle-aged adults took a glucosamine supplement, they were able to decrease serum CRP (inflammation biomarker) levels by 23 percent more than those who didn't take a supplement. The stock is also full of anti-inflammatory amino acids (glycine and proline), and the ample levels of gelatin will help rebuild your gut lining to further assist with your anti-inflammatory gut microbes. Med andre ord, drink up!
A longtime enemy of doctors and dieters, pork has been coming around as a healthier alternative of late—as long as you choose the right cut. Your best bet is pork tenderloin:A University of Wisconsin study found that a three-ounce serving of pork tenderloin has slightly less fat than a skinless chicken breast. It has 24 grams of protein per serving and 83 milligrams of waist-whittling choline (in the latter case, about the same as a medium egg). In a study published in the journal Næringsstoffer , scientists asked 144 overweight people to eat a diet rich in fresh lean pork. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in waist size, BMI and belly fat, with no reduction in muscle mass! They speculate that the amino acid profile of pork protein may contribute to greater fat burning.
Regularly eating seafood as part of a healthy diet can do wonders for your weight loss goals—so long as you choose the right kind. That's where the waters get murky again. So we had our research team here at Eat This, Ikke det! dive into the science behind your seafood. Let's see if we can't clear things up with this list of the best fish for losing weight.
You already knew fish was rich in protein but you might be surprised to learn that halibut tops fiber-rich oatmeal and vegetables in the satiety department. The Satiety Index of Common Foods ranks it the number two most filling food—bested only by boiled potatoes for its fullness factor. Study authors attribute the filling factor of white fish like halibut to its impressive protein content and influence on serotonin, one of the key hormones responsible for appetite signals.
50Wild Salmon
Don't let salmon's relatively high calorie and fat content fool you; studies suggest the oily fish may be one of the best for weight loss. In one study, participants were divided into groups and assigned one of three equi-caloric weight loss diets that included no seafood (the control group), lean white fish, or salmon. Everyone lost weight, but the salmon eaters had the lowest fasting insulin levels and a marked reduction in inflammation. It's likely due to salmon's high levels of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.
51Light Canned Tuna
As a primo source of protein and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), canned light tuna is one of the best and most affordable fish for weight loss, especially from your belly! En studie i Journal of Lipid Research showed that omega 3 fatty acid supplementation had the profound ability to turn off abdominal fat genes. And while you'll find two types of fatty acids in cold water fish and fish oils—DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)—researchers say DHA can be 40 to 70 percent more effective than EPA at down-regulating fat genes in the abdomen, preventing belly fat cells from expanding in size. Canned chunk light tuna, harvested from the smallest fish, is considered a "low mercury fish" and can be enjoyed two to three times a week (or up to 12 ounces), according to the FDA's most recent guidelines.
52Pacific Cod
Fish and chips won't help you lose weight, at least not out of the fryer. But research suggests a regular serving of Pacific cod, the fish that's typical of fish sticks, may keep you stick thin. One study in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism &Cardiovascular Diseases found that eating five servings of cod per week as part of a low-calorie diet for eight weeks resulted in an extra 3.8 pounds of weight loss compared to a diet with the same amount of calories but no fish. Researchers attribute the satiating and slimming properties to cod's high protein content and amino acid profile, which can help regulate the metabolism. No wonder Captain Birdseye looks so smug!
Speaking of weight loss oysters have also been shown to contribute to help you shed pounds thanks to their impressive zinc content. One study found that obese people who consumed 30 milligrams of zinc per day—the equivalent of just six raw oysters—had lower BMIs, weighed less, and showed improvements in blood cholesterol levels. What's more? That same six-oyster helping will give you 28 g of protein and 2, 064 mg of omega-3s.
54Canned Sardines In Oil
The smaller the fish, the smaller the amount of harmful mercury. These tiny fish typically come from the Pacific. Despite their diminutive size, they pack a nutritional punch. A mere 3 ounces provides 12 percent your recommended daily intake of vitamin D, 835 mg of omega-3s, and 64 percent of selenium, a mineral that plays a key role in metabolism, immunity, and reproductive health. Plus, they're packed with bone-building calcium. Canned versions are known to be high in sodium, so be sure to consume them in moderation or look for low-sodium canned versions.
Poultry &Eggs
Although there are numerous sources of protein available, ranging from beans and veggies to fish and beef, chicken is by far one of the most popular sources—and it's easy to see why:it's affordable, easy to prepare and lower in fat than many other types of meat. But you don't want to miss out on alle the other good-for-you poultry sources!

Lean and protein-rich, turkey is no longer an automatic substitute for red meat–this bird deserves props on its own. A quarter-pound turkey burger patty contains 140 calories, 16 grams of protein and eight grams of fat. I tillegg turkey is rich in DHA omega-3 acids—18 mg per serving, the highest on this list—which has been shown to boost brain function, improve your mood and turn off fat genes, preventing fat cells from growing in size. Just make sure you buy white meat only; dark contains too much fat. And know that you're doing your health a double solid by grilling at home:Restaurant versions can be packed with fatty add-ins to increase flavor. Not your problem, since it's going straight from the grill to your plate (ideally with the best spices to burn fat and peppers mixed in).
A 3 oz. cooked chicken breast contains only 142 calories and 3 grams of fat, but packs a whopping 26 grams of protein — more than half of the day's recommended allowance. But the go-to protein can be a fail on the taste front. (Our casual poll on the taste of plain breast elicited answers ranging from "air you cut with a knife" to "wet sock.") The good news:With just a little creativity, you can make it a savory post-gym dinner or an impressive date-night meal.

Eggs might just be the easiest, cheapest and most versatile way to up your protein intake. Beyond easily upping your daily protein count, each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams of the muscle-builder! Eggs also boost your health:They're loaded with amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Don't just reach for the whites, though; the yolks boast a fat-fighting nutrient called choline, so opting for whole eggs can actually help you trim down. When you're shopping for eggs, pay attention to the labels. You should be buying organic, when possible. These are certified by the USDA and are free from antibiotics, vaccines and hormones. As for color, that's your call. The difference in color just varies based on the type of chicken—they both have the same nutritional value, says Molly Morgan, RD, CDN a board-certified sports specialist dietician based in upstate New York.
Legumes &Nuts
From time to time it's beneficial to replace animal proteins with plant-based sources of the nutrient in your diet—doing so can reduce your risk of chronic conditions like cancer, hjerte-og karsykdommer, diabetes, and obesity. In one Spanish study, participants who ate a calorie-restricted diet that included four weekly servings of legumes lost more weight than those on a calorie-equivalent diet that didn't include beans—likely due to their belly-filling fiber content. A study published in the journal Fedme backs that assumption:The researchers found that eating 160 grams—or a little more than a half cup—of legumes led people to feel 31 percent fuller. It doesn't matter what types of beans you eat (so long as they aren't re-fried), just be sure to work them into your diet to reap the benefits. Mixing some into a smoothie is just one of the ways to lose weight in 4 seconds!

Beans are good for more than just your heart. They're loaded with proteins, antioksidanter, vitamins and minerals that can benefit your brain and muscles, også. For ikke å nevne, they digest very slowly, which can help you feel fuller, longer, and fuel weight loss efforts without causing feelings of deprivation. Look for easy-to-use, pre-cooked BPA-free varieties that come in a pouch or a box. Add them to soups and salads or mix them with brown rice and steamed vegetables to create a hearty—yet healthy—dinner. Big into snacking? Mix black beans with some salsa and corn, and serve with some whole grain crackers (just make sure they are one of our go-to low carb snacks.
59Soybean Products
Vegetarians rejoice! Soy protein, such as tofu or tempeh, might not be as popular as chicken or fish, but it boasts its own set of impressive nutritional benefits that include protecting lean body mass and reducing LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Faktisk, a review published in the journal Næringsstoffer found that soy, in addition to lowering bad cholesterol, can also improve cardiovascular health through mechanisms that have nothing to do with its protein content. Thanks to additional components—namely isoflavones, lecithins, saponins, and fiber—numerous studies have shown that soy can alleviate cardiovascular disease risk factors such as hypertension, hyperglycemia, betennelse, and obesity beyond cholesterol lowering. A 2016 study even found that the vegetarian-safe food can also improve kidney function among older adults.
Here are some pretty amazing proportions:One cup of lentils has the protein of three eggs, with less than one gram of fat! Their high fiber content makes them extremely satiating, and studies have shown that they speed fat loss:Spanish researchers found that people whose diets included four weekly servings of legumes lost more weight and improved their cholesterol more than people who didn't. Eat them on their own as a side or simmer them into a soup.
61Peanut Butter
This creamy spread is downright addictive. While eating too much peanut butter can wreak havoc on your waistline, a standard two-tablespoon serving provides a solid dose of muscle-building protein and healthy fats. According to a 2014 study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , consuming peanuts can prevent both cardiovascular and coronary artery disease—the most common type of heart condition. Look for the unsalted, no sugar added varieties without hydrogenated oils to reap the most benefits. If you're tired of plain old PB&J sandwiches, try stirring the spread into hot oatmeal, smearing it on fresh produce, or blending it into your post-workout smoothie.
Hummus is made from the mighty garbanzo bean, also known as a chickpea. This satiating dip is higher in fiber, sunt fett, and protein than your average ranch dip, making it a healthier alternative for your crudite platter.
A wise man once said:"A good reputation is more valuable than money." And in the food realm, the grain that carries the most clout is undoubtedly quinoa. Known for its high protein and fiber content, the ancient grain has been said to aid weight loss and improve health—and Americans can't get enough of the stuff. Faktisk, we imported 69 millions pounds of quinoa in 2013 alone. But just because quinoa carries a massive health halo doesn't necessarily mean it's the most nutritious grain in the supermarket. Faktisk, there are a number of grains that pack as many—or more—total health and weight loss benefits.
63Sprouted Whole Grain Bread
Not all breads are carb bombs waiting to shatter your weight loss goals. This nutrient-dense bread is loaded with folate-filled lentils, protein, and good-for-you grains and seeds like barley and millet. To boost the flavor of your slices, make a veggie sandwich overflowing with wholesome nutrients. On two slices of sprouted whole-grain bread combine tahini-free hummus, avocado slices, roasted red peppers, cucumbers, løk, spinach, and tomatoes, one of the healthiest foods on the planet.
This nutty-flavored gluten-free grain may be small, but it packs a mighty nutritional punch. It's loaded with fiber, essential amino acids, calcium and vitamin C — a nutrient not typically found in grains. To reap the benefits, trade your morning oatmeal in for a protein-packed teff porridge. Combine a half cup of teff with one a half cups of water and a pinch of salt in a medium saucepan. Let it come to a boil before turning the heat down to low and letting it simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from heat and top with apples, cinnamon and a dollop of natural peanut butter.
While you may have never heard of this hearty whole grain before, it may become your new favorite. This wheat-rye hybrid packs 12 grams of protein per half cup, and is also rich in brain-boosting iron, bloat-busting potassium, magnesium and heart-healthy fiber. Use triticale berries in place of rice and mix it with soy sauce, fresh ginger, cloves, shiitake mushrooms and edamame to make a healthy, Asian-inspired dish. If you prefer to firing up the oven to using the stove, use triticale flour in place of traditional flour in your baking.
The wonderfood:People who eat oatmeal for breakfast feel full longer—even four hours after they put spoon to mouth! That's sure to keep you out of the snack drawer mid-morning, boosting your weight loss efforts. The instant varieties often have added sugars and artificial flavors and making slow-cooking oatmeal on the stove can add stress to your already rushed morning routine. The solution:overnight oats. All you have to do to whip up a bowl is fill a mason jar or Tupperware container with grains, pålegg, add-ins and a liquid like milk or water. Then you throw it in the refrigerator overnight. While you're sleeping, the flavors fuse together so all you have to do is scarf it down next morning—no cooking required! Check out our favorite mouthwatering combos right here, with the 50 Best Overnight Oats Recipes
Like quinoa, amaranth is not technically a grain, but the seed of an amaranth plant. Naturally gluten-free, amaranth is higher in muscle-building protein than wheat and brown rice—with more than 9 grams per cup—and surprisingly high in other nutrients such as calcium and fiber as well. Amaranth is also an excellent source of manganese, jern, and selenium, which keeps your thyroid in check and preserves elastin in the skin, helping your skin stay supple, smooth and tight. What's more? Cooked amaranth leaves are a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, manganese, and folate.
Kamut is an ancient grain native to the Middle East that is an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber, while simultaneously being low in calories. Faktisk, a half-cup serving of the stuff has 30 percent more protein than regular wheat and just 140 calories. What's more? En studie publisert i European Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that eating kamut reduces cholesterol, blood sugar, and cytokines (which cause inflammation throughout the body). Kamut's ability to stabilize blood sugar and reduce inflammation make it a great weight loss staple, especially if it is used in place of nutritionally lacking refined grains.
Not around your waist, but on your plate:A new report from the Credit Suisse Research Institute found that more and more of us are choosing whole-fat foods over skim, lite, fat-free or other modern monikers of leanness. And while many health organizations like the American Heart Association still want us to cut down on fat—particularly saturated fat—this full-fat trend may be a healthy rebellion against those decades-old credos, according to recent studies. Take a look at our favorite dairy products.
69Gruyere Cheese
Here's an excuse for a wine-and-cheese hour:The fancy Swiss cheese contains 30% more protein than an egg in one slice, plus one-third of your RDA of vitamin A. If you're looking to indulge, keep your serving to the size of four dice, and moderate your vino to one glass for women, two glasses for men, to get the bad-cholesterol-lowering benefits of the antioxidant resveratrol. And better yet, stick to the #1 wine for rapid weight loss.
70Parmesan Cheese
Most cheeses are naturally very low in sugar due to the fermentation process that produces it, and Parmesan cheese has the added benefit of actually reducing belly-bloating sugar cravings. Parmesan contains the amino acid tyrosine (a building block of protein) which has been shown to encourage the brain to release dopamine and another neurotransmitter, norepinephrine, eliminating the desire for sweet stuff. What's more? Parmesan is also low in carbs but packed with other key nutrients. One ounce of the Italian cheese contains about 31 percent of your daily recommended intake of bone-building calcium and 11 g of satiating protein.
712% Greek Yogurt
Yogurt may be one of your key allies in weight-loss efforts. A study printed in the British Journal of Nutrition found that probiotics like the ones found in creamy, delicious yogurt helped obese women lose nearly twice the weight compared to those who did not consume probiotics. Both sets of subjects were on low-calorie diets, but after 12 weeks, the probiotic poppers lost an average of 9.7 pounds, while those on placebos lost only 5.7. Bonus:the subjects who were given the good bacteria continued to lose weight even after an additional 12 weeks, an average of 11.5 pounds to be accurate! Probiotics can help ramp up your metabolism and improve your immune system, but it pays to be picky about your sources. Yogurt's a great way to get a.m. protein and probiotics, but to get the healthiest yogurt you'll have to read labels; most are packed with added sugars that exceed their protein levels.
Kefir, fermented milk produced from grains, has been a rising nutritional superstar over the past few years thanks to the myriad of health benefits it offers. Though the smoothie-like dairy drink is similar to yogurt, it's ideal for those with a dairy-intolerance because it has been found to counteract the effects of the milk's stomach-irritating lactose. Dessuten, a review published in Nutrition Research Reviews found that regular consumption of kefir has been associated with improved digestion, antibacterial effect, hypocholesterolaemic effect, control of plasma glucose, anti-hypertensive effect, anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant activity, anti-carcinogenic activity, anti-allergenic activity, and healing effects.
731% Organic, Grass-Fed Milk
Organically raised cows are not subject to the same hormones and antibiotics that conventional cows are; no antibiotics for them means no antibiotics for you. Grass fed cows have been shown to have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids (good) and two to five times more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than their corn and grain fed counterparts. CLA contains a group of chemicals which provides a wide variety of health benefits, including immune and inflammatory system support, improved bone mass, improved blood sugar regulation, reduced body fat, reduced risk of heart attack, and maintenance of lean body mass. While skim milk may be lowest in calories, many vitamins are fat-soluble, which means you won't get all the benefits of the alphabetical nutrients listed on your cereal box unless you opt for at least 1%.
Nuts &Seeds
Hang out at a local bar and you're sure to come across a variety of nuts (the food, not the people hanging out in the corner)—and guys popping them like they're diet freebies. It's the perfect example of good food gone bad. Nuts, like avocados, are loaded with heart-healthy fats. But healthy doesn't always mean lean. A couple of beers and a few handfuls of nuts and you've racked up some serious calories—and diet damage. "A one-ounce serving of nuts contains 135 calories, and how many nuts you get in a serving will depend on your nut of choice, " says Tanya Zuckerbrot, RD. "Think about it:Would you rather have 12 cashews or 22 almonds?" Here are our favorite nuts and seeds.
74Chia Seeds
One of the hallmarks of a balanced diet is to have a good ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3s. A 4:1 ratio would be ideal, but the modern American diet is more like 20:1. That leads to inflammation, which can trigger weight gain. But while eating a serving of salmon every day isn't exactly convenient, sprinkling chia seeds—among the most highly concentrated sources of omega-3s in the food world—into smoothies, salater, cereals, pancakes or even desserts is as easy a diet upgrade as you can get.
Flaxseed is nutritious at any age, but they may be especially beneficial as you get older seeing as how it has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, thus lessening your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. According to a study in Natural Medicine Journal , participants were split into two groups and both ate a variety of foods, including bagels, muffins, and buns. While one group received added flaxseed totaling 30 g of milled flaxseed each day for one year, the other group was given a placebo. After six months, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure were lower in the flaxseed group, Dessuten, flax group participants who started with elevated blood pressure had more pronounced decreases in blood pressure than those who were not given flaxseed.
76Sesame Seeds
Sesame seeds likely aren't one of those foods you pay any mind to, but the crunchy little buggers have been shown to play a crucial role in weight maintenance and deserve to be tossed into a salad or whole wheat noodle dish. Researchers suspect its the lignans—plant compounds—found in sesame seeds (and flax seeds) that makes them so special. In a 2015 study, women who consumed high levels of lignans tended to weigh less and gain less weight over time when compared to women who didn't consume these compounds in high amounts. Not a fan of that seedy texture? Try slathering some sesame-based tahini on a piece of bread instead.
77Mustard Seed
Researchers at England's Oxford Polytechnic Institute found that by eating 1 teaspoon of prepared mustard (about 5 calories) can boost the metabolism by up to 25 percent for several hours after eating. Not only that, a study published in the Asian Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that visceral adipose tissue of rats fed a diet of pure lard was lowered when the diet was supplemented with mustard oil. Scientists attribute mustard's belly-blasting abilities to allyl isothiocyanates, phytochemicals that give the popular condiment its characteristic flavor.
78Shelled Pumpkin Seeds
Dr. Lindsey Duncan, a nutritionist who's worked with Reggie Bush, is a big fan of pumpkin seeds. "A handful of raw pepitas or dry roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural jolt to power through a workout, " he says. "They're a good source of protein, healthy fats and fiber, keeping you feeling full and energized longer, and contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which provide additional energy support to maximize gym time." Throw them into salads and rice dishes, or eat them raw.
Think of each almond as a natural weight-loss pill. A study of overweight and obese adults found that, combined with a calorie-restricted diet, consuming a little more than a quarter-cup of the nuts can decrease weight more effectively than a snack comprised of complex carbohydrates and safflower oil—after just two weeks! (And after 24 weeks, those who ate the nuts experienced a 62% greater reduction in weight and BMI!) For optimal results, eat your daily serving before you hit the gym. Almonds, rich in the amino acid L-arginine, can actually help you burn more fat and carbs during workouts, a study printed in Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition funnet.
Som det viser seg, almonds aren't the only superstar nuts around. Studies have shown pistachios aren't bad to snack on either. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition researchers divided study participants into two groups, each of which were fed a nearly identical low-cal diet for three months. One group was given 220-calories of pretzels as an afternoon snack, while the other sect munched on 240-calories worth of pistachios. About a month into the study, the pistachio group had reduced their BMI by a point and improved their cholesterol and triglyceride levels, while the pretzel-eaters stayed the same.
You know those heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids you keep hearing so much about? Walnuts have more of those nutritious compounds than any other nut, which is reason alone to toss a handful of 'em onto a salad or eat them as part of a protein-packed snack, and they're not lacking in other nutrients either. Faktisk, research has shown they might be especially beneficial to consume as you age. According to the Walnuts and Healthy Aging (WAHA) study, which is currently being conducted by researchers from the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and Loma Linda University, preliminary findings suggest daily walnut consumption positively impacts blood cholesterol levels without adverse effects on body weight among older adults. Researchers instructed 707 healthy older adults to add daily doses of walnuts ( approximately 15 percent of caloric intake) to their typical diet or to consume their usual diet without nuts. After one year, the study found that both diets had minimal effect on body weight, triglyserider, and HDL cholesterol, derimot, the walnut-diet resulted in significant LDL cholesterol reductions compared to the control, nut-free diet.
82Brazil Nuts
Like many other nuts, Brazil nuts are an excellent source of fiber, protein, and calcium, but they've also been shown to be especially beneficial in fighting prostate cancer thanks to their impressive magnesium and selenium content. Faktisk, a study that appeared in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that the inverse association between baseline plasma selenium levels and risk of advanced prostate cancer suggests that higher levels of selenium may slow prostate cancer tumor progression.
Cashews are good source of protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and copper, and shouldn't be overlooked as one of your go-to nuts. Magnesium boasts a myriad of health benefits such as helping your body relieve various conditions like constipation, søvnløshet, headaches and muscle cramps, as well as regulating the immune system and supporting brain function. They also contain a good amount of biotin, which will help keep your locks shiny and lustrous.
Here's your new mantra:Eat fat to lose fat.
It's true:Our bodies need dietary fat—particularly healthy oils—in order to lose weight and function properly. The right kinds of fats and oils help quash hunger, maximize your metabolism, and speed nutrients through your body. But not all oils are created equal:Some are downright bad (like trans fats in margarines), while some fats are simply confusing (what's a canola look like, anyways? And what's this about an extra virgin?).
These oils have the highest levels of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, and lauric acid (all good for you), lower levels of omega-6 fatty acids and saturated fats (not so good for you), and zero trans fats (avoid at all costs).
84Coconut Oil
Why It's Great: Extracted from the meat of fresh coconuts, this tropical oil is a great source of the medium-chain saturated fat, lauric acid, which converts into energy more easily than other types of fat. Picking coconut oil over other less healthy fats, like lard and margarine, means less flubber is apt to be stored on your frame. (Swapping your standard cooking oil for this exotic version is one of our weight loss tricks you haven't tried
How to Use It: This trendy oil can be used for anything you might use butter for, from frying to baking; use it for cookies, kaker, and pancakes. It's so healthy, you'll find it in some of the Zero Belly Diet smoothies. It also tastes great on toast and drizzled over homemade baked sweet potato "fries" with a bit of garlic powder, salt and pepper. Coconut oil breaks down when exposed to super high temperatures, so don't deep-fry with it.
85Peanut Oil
Why It's Great: Peanut oil is loaded with a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid (OEA) which can help reduce appetite and promote weight loss. Plus, research out of the University of California, Irvine, found that this particular type of fat boosts memory. Don't forget it next time you cook.
How to Use It: Because of its high smoke point, peanut oil should be your go-to oil for frying and many high-heat tasks like wok-cooking and pan-searing.
86Avocado Oil
Why It's Great: Made from pressed avocados, this oil is rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that may help improve cholesterol and ward off hunger. It also contains vitamins B and E and bloat-banishing potassium—it's no surprise that it's one of the preferred Paleo diet fats.
How to Use It: Like a salad oil. The oil has a mild nutty taste and a light avocado aroma. It works well drizzled over breads, fisk, and homemade pizzas. It also pairs nicely with watermelon, grapefruit and oranges. Add some to your fruit salad to create a new twist on a classic dish.
87Macadamia Nut Oil
Why It's Great: You'll have to hunt around in the specialty stores for it, but this bold and buttery oil may be the healthiest you'll find:Eighty-four percent of the fat in macadamia nuts is monounsaturated, and it has a very high percentage of omega-3s fatty acids. It's also a source of phytosterols, a plant-derived compound that has been associated with decreased cancer risk.
How to Use It: Due to its medium to high smoke point, macadamia nut oil is best suited for baking, stir frying and oven cooking. For a quick snack, toss slices of sweet potatoes with the nut oil and bake in the oven on 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until crispy.
88Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Why It's Great: Extra virgin olive oil may increase blood levels of serotonin, a hormone associated with satiety. Plus, olive oil is also loaded with polyphenols, antioxidants that help battle many diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis and brain deterioration.
How to Use It: Expensive extra-virgin, with its robust flavor, should be saved to dress salads, vegetables and cooked dishes. For cooking purposes, regular or light olive oil is sufficient.
89Walnut Oil
Why It's Great: Recently making a splash on restaurant menus and grocery store shelves, this oil has a rich nutty, roasted flavor. A small Pennsylvania State study found that a diet rich in walnuts and walnut oil may help the body respond better to stress and can also help keep diastolic blood pressure levels down. Walnut oil is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids which may increase diet-induced calorie burn and resting metabolic rate (the calories we use to keep our heart pumping and body running). And walnuts have more omega-3 fatty acids than any other nut.
How to Use It: Mix with sherry vinegar, olive oil, cumin and a pinch of salt and pepper to make a salad dressing. This oil doesn't do well under heat, so it shouldn't be used for hot surface cooking or high temperature baking.
90Canola Oil
Why It's Great: Canola, derived from the seeds of a plant in the broccoli family, comes in toward the top of our list with its near-perfect 2.5:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fats. According to a study review published last year in Experimental Biology and Medicine , people who achieve a dietary ratio similar to this have been able to battle cancer, arthritis and asthma more effectively. It's also rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 fatty acid that may play a role in weight maintenance, according to a recent study.
How to Use It: This is the best option for everyday cooking situations. Canola oil can withstand relatively high levels of heat, and its flavor is fairly neutral, so it won't dominate a dish.
91Flaxseed Oil
Why It's Great: Also known as linseed oil—yes, the stuff you used in art class—this fat contains ALA, an an essential omega-3 fatty acid that can aid weight maintenance and may reduce heart disease risks by promoting blood vessel health and reducing inflammation. This oil can also be used topically to fight carpal tunnel syndrome, according to a 2014 Iranian clinical trial.
How to Use It: Flaxseed oil doesn't hold up well when exposed to heat. Drizzle it on top of salads or use it instead of olive oil or mayo when whipping up pestos, tuna salads and sauces. Or pour into a smoothie!
Wars were fought over them, best-selling pop groups were named after them and new continents were discovered in search of them. But before they were money or symbols of Girl Power, spices were medicines—healers that date back to the world's first civilizations.
The 21st century brings a new chapter to the spice world story:one of scientific exploration. Today's researchers are discovering incredible health and nutritional riches in spices. From balancing blood sugar to boosting brain power, and even promoting weight loss, here are five of the healthiest spices on the planet—plus helpful tips for making the best purchase for the ultimate healing spice rack!
How sweet it is! Dozens of studies show that people who consume cocoa–as a hot drink or eaten as dark chocolate–are in much better cardiovascular shape than those who don't. One nine-year study in the journal Circulation Heart Failure found women who ate one to two servings of high-quality chocolate per week had a 32 percent lower risk of developing heart failure than those who said no to the cocoa. Researchers attribute cocoa's health benefits to polyphenols and flavanols, anti-inflammatory compounds that help protect the heart in a number of ways. The benefits don't stop at the heart, selv om. Studies have shown this sweet spice can help control inflammation-related diseases such as diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and degenerative diseases of the brain like Alzheimer's.
Get the benefits: The most healthful dark chocolate contains 74 percent or more cocoa solids, but if you're serious about a healthier heart, don't buy anything under 60 percent cacao. We like Lindt's 85% Cocoa Excellence bar. The chocolate in this bar isn't alkalized–a process that strips out the bitterness at the cost of the cocoa's natural, healthy compounds–and you can enjoy four indulgent squares for just 230 calories and 5 grams of sugar. The rule of thumb for buying cocoa:The more bitter, the better!

Ironically, (or perhaps nature's way of cutting us some slack) cinnamon–the warm spice that gives sugary baked goods extra flavor–can help control blood sugar and prevent against diabetes. One study found that adding a heaping teaspoon of cinnamon to a starchy meal is as effective as older generation diabetes drugs at stabilizing blood sugar and warding off insulin spikes. There are other health benefits of cinnamon:studies have shown the spice may improve cholesterol, ward off the effects of Alzheimer's, and provide treatment for women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS).
Get the benefits: Will the real cinnamon spice please stand up? Cassia cinnamon is the variety you're most likely to find at the grocery store, but it's ceylon cinnamon, a milder, pricier variety that's touted by health experts. You can find true cinnamon online or in Indian marketplaces and spice shops. It's an essential part of the 150+ recipes for weight loss in Zero Belly Cookbook !
Once referred to as "Poor Man's Saffron" because of its deep yellow hue, turmeric is now touted by health experts as the "Golden Spice of Life." Traditional to Indian cooking, turmeric owes its health benefits to the active ingredient curcumin, a powerful antioxidant shown to release its anti-inflammatory goodness to almost every cell in the body, boosting the immune system and treating a host of maladies from indigestion to cancer. The most recent research shows turmeric may be an effective treatment for brain disease. One recent study found that people at risk of cognitive impairment who added one gram of turmeric to breakfast showed significantly improved working memory after just six hours. There's also a growing body of research into the role of curcumin in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Get the benefits: Turmeric is the only edible source of curcumin, so you want to sneak it into your diet as much as possible. While the spice is typical of curries, it's not to be confused with curry powder—a blend of spices that includes turmeric. Look for turmeric from Alleppey, which has twice the curcumin than turmeric from Madras. The raw spice is rather harsh, so it's best enjoyed cooked in dishes like a stir-fry or stew. You can also use it a seasoning for meat, fjærfe, og fisk.
Used for thousands of years to tame troubled tummies and aid digestion, ginger is mentioned in Chinese medical texts from the fourth century BC! And for the past few decades, scientists have been proving ginger works at quieting that queasy feeling. A significant body of research paints ginger as a powerful muscle relaxant which helps reduce soreness brought on by exercise by as much as 25 percent, as well as banishes bloat. Researchers attribute ginger's health benefits to gingerols, compounds that are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial—and anti-disease. Faktisk, studies suggest ginger may reduce symptoms of arthritis, improve cholesterol, and prevent cancer.
Get the benefits: Fresh ginger is richest in gingerol—the compound that contributes to many of the spice's health benefits. When buying the dried spice, researchers say you'll get the most gingerol from organic varieties. Ginger is just one of amazing IBS remedies !
If you were to ask yourself, "Is there anything garlic can't do?" the short answer to that question would be "No." A review in Nutrition Journal showed the spice responsible for bad breath can also prevent and treat a myriad of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, such as thrombosis, hypertensjon, og diabetes. Mer spesifikt, garlic has been shown to help reverse early heart disease by removing plaque buildup in arteries. A 2016 study published in the Journal of Nutrition involved 55 patients, aged 40 to 75 years, who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome. The results of the study showed that aged garlic extract effectively reduced plaque in coronary arteries (the arteries supplying blood to the heart) for patients with metabolic syndrome.
Though technically not a spice, cilantro is more than just a pretty garnish. The herb, though polarizing in terms of taste, contains a unique blend of oils that work much like over-the-counter meds to relax digestive muscles and alleviate an "overactive" gut. A study published in the journal Digestive Diseases and Science found that patients with IBS benefited from supplementing with cilantro as opposed to placebo because their bellies weren't as bloated.
En gang til, though it's not technically a spice, rosemary deserves recognition beyond being sprinkled over a roast chicken. That's because this flavorful herb is a powerful anti-inflammatory thanks to its high concentration of antioxidant compounds. Scientists believe the anti-inflammatory activity comes from the presence of carnosic acid and carnosol, two polyphenolic compounds in rosemary which a BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine study discovered could effectively inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
99Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar, or ACV for short, is a type of vinegar made from fermented apples that has a distinct amber hue and a multitude of health benefits. For starters, it has been shown to quiet hunger hormones. I følge en Bioscience, Biotechnology, &Biochemistry study, consuming apple cider vinegar each day can lead to weight loss, reduced belly fat, Midjeomkrets, and lower blood triglycerides. Mer spesifikt, the study of obese Japanese participants found that those who consumed 1 tablespoon of ACV over a three month period lost 2.6 pounds, and those who consumed 2 tablespoons lost 3.7 pounds in the same time frame.
The health benefits of the red-hot spice range from reducing blood pressure to clearing up sinus inflammation. But the hottest research revolves around weight loss. Fiery capsaicin, the compound that gives chiles their signature kick, has been shown to increase body heat, boost metabolic rate and decrease appetite. Faktisk, scientists are currently looking at turning capsaicin into an all-natural anti-obesity supplement for its ability to activate our "good, " calorie-burning brown fat stores. Scientists say capsaicin's weight loss benefits occur at a molecular level by altering key proteins found in fat.