100 usunneste matvarer på planeten
Beklager å dele det med deg, men selv om det er noen matvarer du ganske enkelt ikke kan motstå (vi snakker informasjonskapsler, nachos, løkringer - ting som smaker så godt) de er bare ikke de beste for deg helse. Det er disse næringsfattige matvarene du vil unngå, som de virkelig kan ødelegge kroppen din, spesielt hvis du prøver å ta sunnere valg i disse tider hvor det er mye lettere å bare laste opp søppelmat. Og på grunn av matprodusenter og villedende markedsførere, selv noen av dine tilsynelatende "sunne" måltider er fylt med usunt fett, kunstige ingredienser, og unødvendige konserveringsmidler som er helsefarlige, også.
På et oppdrag for å hjelpe deg å forstå nøyaktig hva er akkurat i maten din, og hvorfor det er ille, vi har satt sammen denne listen over de minst næringsrike matvarer på planeten som er så giftige, de ødelegger bare kroppen din. Og mens du rydder disse ut av kjøkkenet ditt, sørg for å holde kursen med noen av de 21 beste sunne matlagingshakkene noensinne.
Usunne ingredienser: Soyabønne og rapsolje
Problemet med kaffekrem? Det er ingen krem! De tre første ingrediensene som er oppført på Nestles Coffee-Mate populære kremer, for eksempel, er vann, sukker, og soyabønne og/eller rapsolje. Er det det du vil legge til i morgen -koppen joe? Kaffekrem kan også ha syntetiske tilsetningsstoffer som mono og diglyserider.
Drikk dette! I stedet: Vanlig kumelk gir alltid et sunt tillegg til morgenkoppen din, men hvis du fortsatt leter etter et snev av smak, Prøv en plantebasert kremer for å jazz opp koppen din Joe. Califa Farms har tonnevis med varianter, og disse kremene har færre kalorier og sukker enn de typiske Coffee-Mate Creamers.
2Blekket hvitt melbrød

Usunn ingrediens: Blekemikalier som azodikarbonamid
Selv om brødets første ingrediens er "hvetemel" - fortsett å lese. Hvis det ikke nevnes at det er ubleket, du er sannsynligvis noshing på en sandwich smurt med skumle kjemikalier. Noen produsenter bruker en ingrediens som kalles azodicarbonamid, som du kanskje husker er tilsetningen "yogamatte" som Subway en gang kontroversielt brukte. Denne plastdeigbalsam brukes til å gjøre brøddeigen luftigere. CSPI er enig i at du bør unngå det, siterer bevis for at kjemikaliene azodikarbonamid brytes ned etter baking er anerkjente kreftfremkallende stoffer.
Spis dette! I stedet: Det er rikelig med fullkorns- og fullkornsmel og brød som ikke inneholder blekemiddel. Ikke bare det, men de er bedre for deg på en rekke andre måter, også. Gå med et av disse beste merkenavnbrødene for vekttap!

Usunn ingrediens: Fruktfri frukt, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå
Det er naturlig! Hva kan være galt? Vi vil, mens 100 prosent fruktjuice er et bedre valg enn drikker med høy fruktose maissirup som Sunny D, selv den helt naturlige Welch's druesaft pakker fortsatt opp til 36 gram sukker per kopp-eller om hva du får av å piske fire Krispy Kreme-glassede donuts i en blender. Og selv om dette sukkeret er naturlig, kroppen din behandler den på samme måte som alt annet sukker. Hva mer, mesteparten av sødmen i juice kommer fra fruktose, en sukkertype assosiert med utvikling av visceralt fettvev hos overvektige mennesker - ja, det er magefett - ifølge en studie i Journal of Clinical Investigation .
Drikk dette! I stedet: Bare tilsett frisk skiver som appelsiner og grapefrukt til vanlig H2O og slapp av.
I SLEKT: Den enkle guiden for å kutte i sukker er endelig her.
4Diett brus

Usunne ingredienser: Karamellfarging, Bisfenol A (BPA), aspartam
Hva gjør kunstige farger, Flammehemmere, og falske sukkerforstørrelser i livet? De er ingredienser i alle dine favorittbrus. Nesten alle populære diettbrus inneholder aspartam, et kunstig søtningsmiddel som opprinnelig ble utviklet for å hjelpe til med vekttap, men det har nylig vist seg å ha motsatt effekt, øke glukosenivået, overbelastning av leveren, og forårsaker at overflødig blir til fett, ifølge en studie i Anvendt fysiologi, Ernæring, og metabolisme .
Spis dette! I stedet: Det er ikke noe galt med et godt glass vann, men hvis du er lei av vanlig H2O, velg en av disse deilige detox -teene eller en kopp kaffe i stedet.
5Frityrstekte matvarer

Usunn ingrediens: Høy varme, inflammatorisk olje
Fritert kylling, stekt blekksprut, svinekjøtt, kyllingstekt biff. Du vil aldri se disse elementene merket som en "Eat This". Foruten det høye fett- og kaloriinnholdet, Hovedproblemet med disse stekte matvarene er at de inneholder høye nivåer av inflammatoriske Advanced Glycation End -produkter, eller ALDER. Disse forbindelsene dannes når animalske produkter stekes ved høye temperaturer over en lengre periode. I følge en anmeldelse fra 2015 publisert i tidsskriftet Fremskritt innen ernæring , eksperter konkluderte med at "vedvarende eksponering for [AGEs] gradvis eroderer innfødt forsvar, sette scenen for unormalt høyt [oksidativt stress] og betennelse, forløperne til sykdom. "
Spis dette! I stedet: Heldigvis, forskere fra Mount Sinai School of Medicine fant at når folk kutter ut mat med høy alder som bearbeidet og stekt mat, markører for betennelse i kroppen minket. Så, bli grillet når du kan eller bake maten i ovnen.
6Bacon &Pølse

Usunne ingredienser: Nitrater og nitritter, tilberedningsmetoder med høy varme
Bearbeidet kjøtt er det verste av begge verdener. De er vanligvis laget av rødt kjøtt med mye mettet fett, og de inneholder høye nivåer av avanserte glykeringssluttprodukter (AGEer):inflammatoriske forbindelser som dannes når dette bearbeidede kjøttet tørkes, røkt, og tilberedt ved høye temperaturer. For ikke å nevne, disse nitrater og nitritt i herdet og naturlig, "uherdet" kjøtt kan bli til kreftfremkallende nitrosaminer når det utsettes for høy varme, i følge Kjøttvitenskap . (Og du steker vanligvis pølsene dine på en flammende grill og bacon i en stekepanne, Ikke sant?)
Spis dette! I stedet: Heldigvis, produsenter har en grense for mengden nitritt de bruker og må påføre antioksidanter, som vitamin C, som en anmeldelse i American Journal of Clinical Nutrition funnet hjelper til å hemme nitrosamindannelse. Mens en studie i Matkjemi funnet bearbeidede matvarer har i gjennomsnitt 80 prosent færre nitritt enn de en gang gjorde, Du kan ta ekstra forholdsregler for å begrense din nitrosamineksponering ved å kjøpe kjøtt som ikke bruker nitrit - bare salt - og prøv å skru ned varmen.
7Sukkerholdig frokostblanding

Usunne ingredienser: Butylert hydroksytoluen (BHT), Butylert hydroksyanisol (BHA), raffinerte karbohydrater, tilsatt sukker
Det er ingen sukkerbelegg:sukker ødelegger kroppen. Å spise for mye av de hvite tingene kan føre til fedme, som ofte forårsaker andre helseproblemer som diabetes og hjertesykdom. Og mange frokostblandinger pakker mer sukker i en bolle enn du finner i en Boston Cream Donut! For å gjøre vondt verre, mange populære varianter som Frosted Flakes og Fruity Pebbles er også laced med Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) eller BHA (Butylated Hydroxyanisole), ingredienser som er forbudt i Storbritannia, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, og store deler av Europa fordi de antas å være kreftfremkallende. Du vil også sjekke ut de 20 verste "sunne" frokostblandingene.
Spis dette! I stedet: Cascadian Farms Chocolate O's og Nature's Path Peanut Butter Panda Puffs er begge smakfulle, sukkerfattige plukker som ikke inneholder noen skumle kjemikalier.
8Frosne entréer

Usunne ingredienser: Natrium, konserveringsmidler
Frysing av mat er en fantastisk måte å få det til å vare lenger, så hvorfor legge til konserveringsmidler? Dessverre, produsenter gjør; Bare se denne listen over de 67 verste frosne matene i Amerika.
Spis dette! I stedet: Velg økologisk, Lav natrium, frosne alternativer med lite sukker. Disse 15 nye sunne frosne matvarene som gjør rent å spise en lek er blant de beste alternativene.
9Restaurant Desserter

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium
Og her tenkte du at vi ville si sukkeret. Og kalorier. Og fett. Og alt annet. Selv om det hele er sant, og restaurant desserter er farlige fordi porsjonene ofte er store, det er natriuminnholdet som mange mennesker ikke engang tenker på. Den uskyldige, California Pizza Kitchen dessert du ser på bildet ovenfor har en enorm 1, 110 kalorier, 73 gram fett, 640 milligram natrium, 103 gram karbohydrater, og 64 gram sukker. Sjekk det ut med sine andre onde venner på denne listen over 20 restaurantdesserter med mer salt enn en pose med kringler.
Spis dette! I stedet: En liten skje sorbet er en lavrisiko måte å tilfredsstille den søte tannen på slutten av et måltid.
10Hvitt sukker

Usunn ingrediens: Sukker (duh)
I følge Pew Research Center, Amerikanerne spiste over 90 gram tilsatt sukker om dagen i 2014 - som er 40 gram over FDAs anbefalte inntak på 50 gram per dag og hele 65 gram over Verdens helseorganisasjons anbefalte inntak på 25 gram! Amerikanernes høye forbruk av raffinerte, hvitt sukker har vært knyttet til alt fra økt risiko for type 2 diabetes til hjertesykdom til fedme. Si farvel til tilsatt sukker - og farvel til magen din - med Null sukker diett !
Spis dette! I stedet: Sjekk vår rapport Alle populære søtningsmidler - rangert! å velge et smart alternativ, men vi vil anbefale å redusere inntaket av tilsatte søtningsmidler generelt.

Usunne ingredienser: Titandioksid, karamellfarge, kunstige farger, propylenglykol
Bursdager er en tid for å feire. Noe du ikke bør feire? Frostingen din er laget med kjemikalier. Mange merkenavn frostinger, for eksempel Duncan Hines 'Creamy Home Style Classic Vanilla, er laget med delvis hydrogenerte soyabønner og bomullsfrøoljer. Og til tross for at den er hvit, mange av disse frostingene er farget med potensielt kreftfremkallende forurensede fargestoffer (for eksempel karamellfarge og titandioksid) og kunstige farger. Til slutt, propylenglykolen i mange frostingoppskrifter har vært knyttet til dårlig nyrehelse ved forskning i American Journal of Kidney Diseases .
Spis dette! I stedet: Sunn frosting er like lett å lage som deilig. Bruk avokado og mørk sjokolade, du kan lage en dekadent smørkremlignende frosting som tar bare sekunder å tilberede og er full av humørfremmende kakaoflavonoler og enumettet fett, som kan redusere risikoen for kardiovaskulær sykdom.

Usunne ingredienser: Maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, karamellfarging
Du finner dette på vår liste over 20 matvarer som utgir seg for å være noe de ikke er. Hvorfor? Kjente sirupmerker som tante Jemima og fru Butterworth er laget med to ingredienser vi stadig forteller leserne om å unngå-leverskadelig mais sirup med høy fruktose og kreftfremkallende karamellfarging-og en ting vi skulle ønske de faktisk hadde:ekte lønnesirup .
Spis dette! I stedet: Den beste sirupen for midjen din er en ren lønnesirup av klasse A middels rav. Fordi smaken er så konsentrert, litt går langt, sparer deg for kalorier og sukker. For enda flere måter å kutte ned på de hvite granulære tingene, ikke gå glipp av disse 30 enkle måtene å slutte å spise så mye sukker.
1. 3Smoothies på flaske

Usunne ingredienser: Fiberfri frukt
Opptatte morgener og grab-and-go-frokoster er praktisk talt synonyme-så det er lett å se appellen til smoothies som er kjøpt i butikk. De virker som den beste måten å få det du ønsker i en klype. Men de tidsbesparende drikkene har en ulempe:Sammenlignet med ferske drikker, de fleste av dem mangler ernæring og er så kalori- og sukkerfylte at blodsukkeret ditt sikkert vil skyte i været. Bare ta Naked's Pomegranate Blueberry smoothie som et eksempel:Når du flasker hele denne flasken, fyller du deg med hele 61 gram sukker og absolutt null fiber. Sørg for å unngå The Worst "Healthy" Store-Buyed Juices for å beholde midjen.
Drikk dette i stedet :Spill det trygt ved å blande en hjemmelaget smoothie!
14Charred Meats

Usunne ingredienser: Høy varme
Grilling er fantastisk, men du må se på røya! Når du forkoker kjøtt, noe som heter heterocykliske aminer, eller HCA, utvikle seg når kreatinet, sukker, og aminosyrer i kjøtt reagerer på grillens høye temperaturer. Flere publiserte studier har knyttet HCA med en økt risiko for kolorektal, bukspyttkjertelen, bryst, og prostatakreft.
Spis dette! I stedet: For å kutte din risiko, krydre det! Tilsetning av antioksidantrike krydderekstrakter, som rosmarin, til biffpatties før grilling kan redusere produksjonen av HCAer opptil 90 prosent, ifølge en studie publisert i Journal of Food Science . En annen måte å redusere risikoen på? Skru ned varmen, siden brent kjøtt inneholder høyere konsentrasjoner av HCA.

Usunne ingredienser: Ftalater
Du vet kanskje ikke hvordan du uttaler det, men du bør vite hva ftalater (thāl-ates) er. Det er fordi mange av oss ubevisst spiser denne klassen av hormonforstyrrende kjemiske giftstoffer. I likhet med BPA, ftalater brukes i plastemballasje og emballasje av mat og drikke - og de blir ikke der. I 2016, en Miljøhelseperspektiv studie fant at folk som spiste fastfood ofte hadde doseavhengige høyere nivåer av ftalatforbindelser enn sjeldne spisere. Og det er bare begynnelsen på dårlige nyheter for elskere av frokost hele dagen, siden en egen studie publisert i Miljøvitenskap og teknologi fant ftalater å være assosiert med CRP -markøren for betennelse, og en annen studie i Miljøhelse koblet høyere eksponering for ftalater med metabolsk syndrom, en sykdom også ofte forbundet med økte nivåer av betennelse og vektøkning.
Spis dette! I stedet: Vårt beste råd er å redusere turen til gatekjøkken, og kanskje se til raske uformelle restauranter i stedet, da disse etablissementene bruker emballasje sjeldnere. Vårt beste råd? Hopp over turen hvis du kan, og prøv disse 20 hjemmelagde, Sunn "Fast Food" Oppskrifter i stedet.

Usunn ingrediens: Sukrose, glukose, koffein
Vi kan bare forestille oss hvor mange ødelagte Bunsen-brennere det tok å komme opp med den nå kjente energidrikkformelen. Disse medisinske smakene er ganske enkelt kjemiske cocktailer som er for dyre med koffeininnholdet i en sterk kopp kaffe og mye sukker (eller skumle kunstige søtningsmidler). Derfor bør du være bekymret:En studie fra University of Maryland fant at energidrikker var 11 prosent mer etsende for tennene enn vanlig brus. Ekkelt, Ikke sant? Et annet urovekkende funn kom fra en casestudie av en 50 år gammel bygningsarbeider; å ha for mange energidrikker kan ødelegge leveren din. Rapporten, publisert i BMJ -saksrapporter i 2016, fant ut at mannen utviklet akutt hepatitt etter å ha spist fire til fem energidrikker hver dag i løpet av tre uker.
Drikk dette i stedet: Grønn te-det er helt naturlig og en av de beste energiforsterkerne som finnes.
17Ferdigstekt paiform

Usunne ingredienser: BHA og BHT
Hvis du bruker en ferdiglaget paiform, kan du spare tid når du baker, men det som står i butikkhyllene er alt annet enn sunt for deg. Populære merker som Pillsbury's Refrigerated Pie Crust inneholder BHA og BHT, to konserveringsmidler du vil unngå.
Spis dette! I stedet: Sørg for at ingredienslisten din er fri for disse konserveringsmidlene. En skorpe vi godkjenner er Trader Joes versjon!
18Brun ris

Usunne ingredienser: Arsenikk
Til tross for de utallige helsemessige fordelene med brun ris-som inkluderer fordøyelsesbremsende fiber og metabolismefremmende selen-er det en grunn til at du kan vurdere det hvite kornet over brunt:arsenivåer. Nylige analyser utført av Food and Drug Administration har funnet ut at arsen dukker opp i alarmerende hastighet i vår elskede brune ris. Ikke bare er arsen kjent for å være kreftfremkallende, men langsiktig eksponering for høye nivåer av arsen er også forbundet med høyere hudfrekvens, blære, og lungekreft, så vel som hjertesykdom, ifølge FDA. Fordi arsen siver inn i de ytterste lagene av kornet, den forblir i fiberrik brun ris, men ikke i polert hvit ris.
Spis dette! I stedet: Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, registrert diettist og grunnlegger av Isabel Smith Nutrition, er enig i at nivåene av arsen i ris er angående, men forsikrer om at risikoen lett kan reduseres ved å variere alle korn og stivelser vi spiser.

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium, sukker
Å lage kjeks fra bunnen av kan ta evigheter, men de fleste pakkede varianter av bagels og muffins er proppfulle av natrium og sukker, en dobbel whammy som er dårlig for midjen din og din generelle helse.
Spis dette! I stedet: Thomas "kroker og kroker" inneholder lite sukker, men har fortsatt et ganske høyt natriumtall, så å ha bare en halv om gangen kan du piffe opp med smør og moset bjørnebær er ikke så ille et kompromiss.
20BBQ saus

Usunn ingrediens: Maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå
Grillsaus kan være et valgfritt krydder for folk som liker noe røykfylt og søtt, men det kan skade midjen din. De fleste flaske BBQ -sauser er fullpakket med tonnevis med tilsatt sukker og sukkervariasjoner. Ta Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Barbecue Saus - den har ikke bare 15 gram sukker på bare to spiseskjeer, men den første ingrediensen som er oppført er mais sirup med høy fruktose. HFCS har vært knyttet til økt risiko for hjertesykdom, ifølge en studie fra American Journal of Clinical Nutrition . Også laget med mais sirup og sukker, denne sausen tilsvarer å helle nesten fire sukkerpakker på din kylling eller bratwurst.
Spis dette! I stedet: Hvis du trenger krydder til din pølse eller brat, velg sennep i stedet. Det er super lavt kalorier på bare 3 kalorier per teskje, og pakker et smakfullt slag. Hvis du må ha grillsaus, lag en lavsukkerversjon selv med litt tomatpuré, eddik, Worcestershire saus, flytende røyk, og krydder.
21Diett iskrem

Usunne ingredienser: Polysorbat 80
Når du går glipp av kremet melk, produsenter henvender seg til kjemilaboratoriet for å gjøre opp for mangel på smak og tekstur. Ett tilsetningsstoff - polysorbat 80 (P80) - hjelper til med å gi diettis avhengighetsskapende kremaktig tekstur og lang holdbarhet, men det skader helsen din. Georgia State University-forskere koblet tidligere emulgatoren med lavgradig betennelse i tarmen. Ikke et godt tegn. Du finner dette tilsetningsstoffet i Turkey Hill Light Recipe, Vanilje bønne.
Spis dette! I stedet: For å finne vår godkjente, lav-kal iskrem, ikke gå glipp av 37 diettis - rangert !.

Usunne ingredienser: Sukker, kunstige fargestoffer
Den som oppfant Gatorade Dunk - tradisjonen der vinnende idrettslag dumper kjøler av ting på trenerne sine - var virkelig inne på noe. En skanning av ernæringsetiketten, og det er klart:sportsdrikken er bedre å sive inn på sidelinjen enn magen din. Sikker, det gir kritiske elektrolytter etter trening, som natrium og kalium, men det serverer også en solid porsjon kalorier og sukker. Faktisk, det er 52 gram av de søte tingene (som er mer enn en dags verdi) i en flaske på 32 gram. Hva mer, Drikken vrimler med mageformende tilsetningsstoffer som kunstige fargestoffer.
Drikk dette i stedet: En bedre (og sikrere) måte å fylle opp elektrolyttene og vannet tapt etter en hard treningsøkt:Prøv å drikke en mer naturlig drikke, som HALO Sport.

Usunn ingrediens: Sukker, natrium
Kremost er overbærende i seg selv, men det svever til nye høyder når det gjøres til en dekadent, kremet kake. Ostekake er fylt med store mengder fett, sukker, og natrium, og det vil sette deg tilbake en astronomisk mengde kalorier for et stykke godbit du vanligvis spiser etter middagen. Bare ta en titt på enhver ostekake fra The Cheesecake Factory:The Original Cheesecake -alternativet har 830 kalorier og 58 gram fett, mens nesten alle andre alternativer på menyen har mer enn 1, 000 kalorier.
Spis dette! I stedet: Vi avdekket tonnevis av ostekakeoppskrifter du kan prøve hjemme som ikke vil drepe midjen din, og hvis du leter etter et kremere alternativ, Du kan også få din søte løsning med en gresk yoghurtparfait. Gresk yoghurt i seg selv vil gi deg et solid proteinboost, og den har en tykkere og kremere konsistens, så hvis du legger til litt frukt og ingefærsirup, du vil definitivt tilfredsstille det ostekakebehovet.

Usunn ingrediens: Sukker
Denne kremete desserten er på den dekadente siden, takket være konditorens sukker, pisket krem, espresso, jenter, eggeplommer, og mascarpone, bare for å nevne noen av ingrediensene som raskt gjør denne desserten til en kaloririk, sukkertung rett. Bare ta The Cheesecake Factory sin versjon som et eksempel, som kommer inn på mer enn 1, 200 kalorier, 67 gram sukker, og 340 mg natrium. Yikes.
Spis dette! I stedet: Selv om dette alltid er en "noen ganger" dessert, Prøv å lage din egen versjon hjemme. Du har ikke bare kontroll over porsjonsstørrelsen, men også det du putter i kaken, slik at du kan gjøre erstatninger, som å bruke eggehviter og lettere pisket kremost.

Usunn ingrediens: palmeolje
Du vet at den kremete smaken av margarin måtte komme et sted fra, og vanligvis er det fra tilsetning av vegetabilske oljer - og mange blandinger kan inkludere palmeolje, som har et høyt mettet fettinnhold og også kan forårsake betennelse.
Spis dette! I stedet: I stedet for å smøre brødet med margarin, hvorfor ikke bytte olivenolje i stedet? Bare sørg for at du bruker nøyaktige målinger, slik at du ikke overdriver det, som en spiseskje har 120 kalorier.
I SLEKT: Din guide til det antiinflammatoriske kostholdet som helbreder tarmen din, senker tegn på aldring, og hjelper deg å gå ned i vekt.

Usunn ingrediens: Store porsjoner med storfekjøtt
Det ble kjent som en rimelig rett på 50-tallet, 60 -tallet, og 70 -tallet, gjør det til et vanlig praktisk middagsalternativ da, men det har mer eller mindre mistet en viss verdi som et familiemåltid. Hvis du føler deg nostalgisk mens du er ute for å spise og bestiller dette mens du spiser ute, retten vil mest sannsynlig bli fylt med fett og ekstra natrium (spesielt hvis den kommer med en ketchupbasert saus). Hvis du går til The Cheesecake Factory og bestiller deres Famous Factory Meatloaf, du spiser mer enn en dags natrium i lunsjstørrelsen alene - middagsstørrelsen er nesten to dager verdt. Plus, du vil sannsynligvis spise mer kjøtt enn du trenger i en sittende for å starte opp. (Maten kalles bokstavelig talt kjøttkaker, tross alt…)
Spis dette! I stedet: Bytt i malt kalkun eller kylling i stedet for biff for en slankere kjøtterstatning, og prøv å lage denne retten hjemme for å holde natrium og fett i sjakk.

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium, fett
En tacoskål er en av de raskeste måtene å konsumere mange kalorier på, fett, og natrium på en gang. Mellom den stekte tortillaen, pluss fylling av kjøtt, ris, ost, rømme, sauser, og annet pålegg, ting kan komme ut av kontroll raskt. Dette overdimensjonerte alternativet er no-go.
Spis dette! I stedet: Hvis du drar ut til Chipotle til lunsj og går for burritoskålen, Sørg for å beholde det du får i skålen din, og velg å ikke ha en tortilla på siden eller chips. I stedet, hvorfor ikke lage din egen tacosalat? Salat fungerer som din base, tilsett deretter et protein, noen bønner, og salsa (hopp over rømme for å holde ting mager - salsaen gir deg en saftig smak av seg selv). Når du har full kontroll over ingrediensene, det er alltid det beste tilfellet.
28Frossen pizza

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium, tilsetningsstoffer
Å stikke en frossen pizza i ovnen kan spare deg tid enn å bestille en fra din lokale pizzabutikk, men med høye natriumtall og skumle tilsetningsstoffer, Du vil kanskje beholde disse skivene i fryseren. Red Baron's Classic Crust 4 Cheese Pizza har ingredienser som L-cysteinhydroklorid (et salt som brukes til å behandle overdoser) og "ammoniumsulfat" (en vanlig plengjødsel), sammen med 720 milligram natrium per porsjon, mens Tombstone's Frozen Pepperoni Pizza inneholder BHT og BHA, så du er egentlig ikke trygg uansett hvilket populært merke du går med.
Spis dette! I stedet: Det er best å lage din egen pizza! Hvis du er ute etter en pai i hawaiisk stil eller en frokostvennlig variant, en hjemmelaget pai er aldri en dårlig idé, som du har full kontroll over ingrediensene. Start med hele hvete pizzadeig, en lavnatrium marinara saus, et lett dryss med ost, og sunt pålegg, og hva du finner på.
29Fettuccine Alfredo

Usunn ingrediens: Krem, smør
Alfredosaus er laget av fløte, Parmesan ost, og mye smør, som sammen, bare ødelegge livet ditt. Faktisk, krem brukes sjelden i autentiske italienske pastaretter, så hvis du besøker Italia, Det er en god sjanse for at du ikke finner denne retten på restaurantmenyer. Den er tilstede på Olive Garden -menyen, derimot, og den kommer inn på 1, 010 kalorier, som beviser at dette er en annen amerikansk versjon av en klassisk rett du er bedre uten.
Spis dette! I stedet: Hvis du har lyst på pasta, i stedet gå med en klassisk spaghetti aglio e olio oppskrift, siden denne retten har svært få ingredienser:hvitløk, olje, salt, og pasta.
30Belgiske vafler

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium, enkle karbohydrater
Belgiske vafler pleier å være større og tykkere med dypere rist som er ment å holde enda mer sirup, smør, og krem, så det er grunn nok til å unngå å velge dette som et frokostalternativ når du befinner deg ute for å spise på en middag. Plus, de blir ofte fylt med sukker og søte rører, så de kan gå fra ille til verre. De er også lastet med enkle karbohydrater, som gjør dem for lette å fordøye og lite lovende når det gjelder å holde deg full og fokusert.
Spis dette! I stedet: Gå med en tradisjonell vaffel du kan piske opp hjemme og sørg for å toppe med frukt og ren lønnesirup.

Usunn ingrediens: Sukker, mettet fett
Løkringen er et godt eksempel på hvordan alt som er bra med en grønnsak kan slettes, takket være å være frityrstekt. Noen sier at de er enda verre enn pommes frites fordi løkringer har flere kalorier, mer mettet fett, mer sukker, og mindre kalium.
Spis dette! I stedet: En 3-unse servering stekt calamari-en løkring som ligner-inneholder omtrent 150 kalorier, 15 gram protein, 6 gram fett, og 6 gram karbohydrater, sammen med rikelig med sink og B -vitaminer. Enda bedre er hvis du kan lage grillet calamari i stedet!

Usunn ingrediens: Natrium, sukker, konserveringsmidler
Mayo er blant de verste av krydder med tomme kalorier, og selv ikke-fete varianter er ikke bedre, med tanke på sukker og konserveringsmidler de inneholder. Plus, det faktum at mayo er laget med egg, men kan gjerne sitte, urkjølet, på en supermarkedshylle i flere måneder uten å bryte sammen eller skille er for alltid bekymrende.
Spis dette! I stedet: You can make a healthier version of mayo at home by blending Greek yogurt, sitronsaft, sennep, pepper, og krydder. You'll save more than 200 calories and 20 grams of fat per quarter-cup serving. Plus, Greek yogurt is rich in protein and calcium, so it makes for a heartier, healthier spread.

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
The basis of nachos consists of tortilla chips, which although not generally all that bad for you, don't provide any sort of nutrients. Then you add on ground beef or pulled pork, rømme, guacamole, and an unseemly amount of yellow cheese, and you're in calorie and fat overload. And this bar-food staple is often a go-to appetizer at many restaurants. Just take Applebee's for example, where their nachos come in at 2, 000 calories and over 5, 000 mg of sodium.
Eat This! I stedet: If you're going to indulge, make sure you do it at home where you can make your own steak or chicken and bean nachos for far fewer calories, fett, and sodium than any you would order at a restaurant.
34Fish and Chips

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
Attack of the beige! Whenever your dinner is monochromatic (in this case, the off-brown hue of deep-fried), you know you're in trouble. Don't blame the fish though—the seafood is packed with lean, muscle-building protein and heart-healthy fats. But the trouble here lies with a massively unbalanced fish-to-fat ratio. A coating of crispy batter and a pile of deep-fried potatoes is just loaded in sodium and fat.
Eat This! I stedet: When it comes to seafood, always abandon ship on fried fish and opt for grilled instead.
35Mozzarella Sticks

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
Although there is protein in mozzarella sticks, this popular appetizer choice happens to be fried, and fried foods in particular up the calories, natrium, and saturated fat of everything they encounter. Just look at the mozz sticks from Applebee's:they come in at 910 calories and more than 2, 500 mg of sodium. Even if you're sharing these, this is not a snack you should be indulging in.
Eat This! I stedet: Skip the whole breaded and fried aspect and just munch on pure cheese sticks, which you can pair with some grapes or almonds for a filling snack. Og mens du holder på, make sure you're staying away from these 19 Unhealthiest Restaurant Appetizers in America—Ranked!
36French Toast

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sukker, natrium
If you make the right choices when eating French toast, it isn't necessarily all that bad, but ordering this breakfast dish out at a restaurant changes everything, as it just adds more fat, sukker, and salt to a meal already high in fat, sukker, and salt as it is. Cheesecake Factory's bruléed French toast has nearly 3, 000 kalorier, which is more than a day's worth of calories in your first meal of the day.
Eat This! I stedet: To quell your sweet tooth craving at breakfast, make a smoothie alongside a breakfast sandwich with a side order of eggs. Or try your hand at your own French toast that has plenty of fruit, protein, og fiber.

Unhealthy Ingredient: Vegetable oils, margarine
We know, we know—biting into a buttery, flaky croissant is unlike anything else. But if you eat too many of them, pretty soon, your belly could transcend your belt buckle. A butter croissant from Dunkin' Donuts has 19 grams of fat (24 percent of your daily value), 340 calories, and 8 grams of saturated fat (40 percent of your daily value)—and you're likely eating all that before you even make it to work in the morning. And that's just for plain. If chocolate croissants are your go-to, you're looking at consuming upwards of 16 grams of saturated fat per pastry from Au Bon Pain, or 80 percent of your daily value's worth.
EatThis! I stedet: Grab some oatmeal instead to start out your day. Oats have plenty of fiber, and if you add in some fruit, you're getting a well-balanced breakfast.
38Soybean Oil

Unhealthy Ingredient: It's found in so many processed and packaged foods, but soybean oil may be just as bad for you as sugar. There are studies that claim the oil can be linked to obesity and harm liver function.
Eat This! I stedet: Når du er i tvil, it's best to avoid foods that contain soybean oil, which we know, is very hard to do as it seems to be in everything. When you're cooking though, there are tons of other oils you can turn to, such as avocado oil and even ghee—a form of clarified butter—which both have high smoke points.
39Hermetisert suppe

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
Typically dubbed a healthy, soothing meal, soup truly is one of the least suspicious diet saboteurs of them all; derimot, that's not the case with canned brands. What makes it so addicting? Besides being appealing because of its low cost, many popular brands add excess amounts of salt—some brands like Campbell's Homestyle Chicken Noodle contain nearly 1, 000 milligrams or more than half your recommended daily intake—which can actually cause us to overeat, ifølge en studie publisert i Journal of Nutrition . Besides disrupting satiety cues, when you constantly flood your system with sodium, you can overwork your kidneys. Som et resultat, the sodium sits in your bloodstream where it attracts water, causing water retention and bloat, making you look five pounds heavier.
Eat This! I stedet: Check out these 14 Best Healthy Canned Soups and Soup Products (&the Worst) for more insight into what's healthy and what's not.
40Bouillon Cubes

Unhealthy Ingredients: Palm oil, caramel color, Yellow 5, Yellow 6
Palm oil, caramel color, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are just a few of the unsettling ingredients found in a typical bouillon cube, such as Knorr's Chicken Bouillon Cubes. In regards to palm oil, a meta-analysis in the Journal of Nutrition found this specific fat significantly increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or bad cholesterol, compared with vegetable oils low in saturated fat. Followed by potentially-carcinogen-contaminated caramel color and artificial coloring agents that may have adverse effects on activity and attention in children, it's in your best interest to beware of what bouillon brand you're buying. To discover other items you should avoid adding to the pot on the stove, check out these The 20 Worst Ingredients for Weight Loss.
Eat This! I stedet: Consider using an organic broth or chicken stock. Separately, Better Than Bouillon Reduced Sodium Chicken Base

Unhealthy Ingredients: Soybean oil, sukker, mono and diglycerides
Can someone explain to us why a product that's packed in a box marked "Baked Fresh Daily" contains at least two preservatives? Entenmann's isn't the only one with misleading labeling. Otis Spunkmeyer Muffins look healthy coming in at 210 calories per serving—and then you see there are two servings per muffin. Typisk, store-bought muffins contain over 400 calories and a third of the day's fat, and eating half now and "saving the rest for later" is near impossible—likely because foods rich in carbs, fat and sugar can be downright addicting. Plus, many commercial muffins are also spiked with waist-widening soybean oil and additives like mono- and diglycerides.
Eat This! I stedet: Kashi Blueberry Waffles. Two of these low-sugar, high-fiber waffles serve up the sweet blueberry taste you crave for a mere 150 calories. Even if you topped them with a tablespoon of syrup, you'd still take in fewer calories and less fat and sugar than you would had you opted for the muffin. The winner here is obvious. Making breakfast at home? Try some of these 30 Best Breakfast Habits to Drop 5 Pounds.
42Boxed Mac &Cheese

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sodium
If you have it in you to eat a mere 1-cup serving of Kraft's Three Cheese Mac &Cheese, you'd consume at least 600 milligrams of sodium—and that's not including your salted pasta water or salted butter you add to actually make these cheesy concoctions. As prepared, you hit a third of your day's recommended intake of sodium per serving; and if you eat half the box, you could end up consuming half of your entire day's allotted sodium. High sodium intake is associated with ailments such as hypertension and heart disease, ifølge American Heart Association.
Eat This! I stedet: We found some great options in The Healthiest Boxed Mac and Cheese Brands—Ranked.
43Frozen Pies

Unhealthy Ingredients: Hydrogenated soybean oil
That pesky ingredient is very much present in frozen pies, especially in Marie Callender's line of apple pies. While there is zero trans fat listed on the frozen desserts' nutrition labels, the presence of soybean oil and hydrogenated soybean oil is still concerning, as this type of oil has been linked to weight gain.
Eat This! I stedet: We'd always go for a homemade pie when we get the chance, but if you're under a time crunch, just ensure that the two words "partially hydrogenated" are missing from your frozen pie's ingredient label.

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sodium phosphate, mais sirup, natrium, sodium nitrite
There are plenty of good reasons not to eat hot dogs—their high levels of sodium and carcinogen-producing nitrates are just two—but if you need another, here you go. The BBQ staple is also preserved with sodium phosphates:an ingredient that even McDonald's scrapped from their menu. Studies published in the journals FASEB og Aldring have connected high levels of serum phosphates (due to dietary consumption) to higher rates of heart disease, chronic kidney disease, weak bones, and accelerated aging.
Eat This! I stedet: If you're jonesing for a juicy dog, opt for an organic option like Applegate Farms' Great Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dog.
45Chinese Food

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
There really is nothing quite like some takeout and Chinese food is often a meal many like to order in. But the problem with these favorites is that they are loaded in sodium.
Eat This! I stedet: Steamed veggies and these other 8 Chinese Foods Approved by Diet Experts.

Unhealthy Ingredients: Excess sodium
The deli meats you use to make your lunch may be putting your life at risk. Hvordan? Consider this:just 2 of those thinly-sliced pieces of meat can contain more sodium than a bag of pretzels, and upwards of 680 milligrams! (And who only uses 2 slices…?) A diet high in sodium puts many at risk for high blood pressure (hypertension) and heart disease, and with the average American consuming 3, 400 milligrams of sodium each day, according to the American Heart Association, you should try to choose lower-sodium options whenever they are available.
Eat This! I stedet: Dessverre, all-natural, "uncured" meats still contain nitrates from natural additives like celery powder, so you won't really be reducing any negative health risks by purchasing these. Heller, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) recommends focusing on reducing your intake of processed meats to 18 ounces (or six 3-ounce servings of meat) a week. Check out our low-sodium, Eat This!-approved meats in our exclusive report:30 Best and Worst Packaged Deli Meats.
47Instant Oatmeal Packets

Unhealthy Ingredients: Hydrogenated soybean oil, natrium, sukker
If you pick up the Peaches &Cream flavor from Quaker, you'll be consuming artery-clogging fats in the form of hydrogenated soybean oil. With other gross additives like corn syrup solids and artificial peach flavor, you're better off making your own plain oatmeal and adding milk and peaches.
Eat This! I stedet: To find our Eat This-approved picks, check out our exclusive guide:24 Best and Worst Instant Oatmeals.

Unhealthy Ingredients: Artificial coloring, tilsatt sukker, mettet fett
You already knew all the artery-clogging fats and addicting sugars in candy weren't doing you or your family any favors, but you likely didn't realize that certain candies can make it more difficult for your little ones to concentrate. A few years ago, researchers discovered that the artificial colors, Yellow No. 5 and Yellow No. 6 (found in M&Ms), promote Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) in children, ifølge en studie i journalen The Lancet . Faktisk, Norway and Sweden have already banned the use of these artificial colors, and in the rest of the EU, foods containing these additives must be labeled with the phrase:"May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children."
Eat This! I stedet: M&M fans should check out Unreal's Milk Chocolate Gems. It's a similar product, but free of all the scary chemicals.
49Boxed Cake Mixes

Unhealthy Ingredients: Artificial flavors and artificial colors
Nothing says "Happy Birthday!" like a slice of sugary, chemical-laden cake, Ikke sant? Whipping up a cake from a box is much easier than gathering all the ingredients and baking it from scratch. But taking this shortcut could cost you in the health department. Many cake mixes from Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker, and Jiffy are loaded with belly-bloating sugar, and questionable chemicals—that's nothing to celebrate.
Eat This! I stedet: Celebrate an occasion and the fact that you're not harming your health with excessive sugar by picking up a box of our best from our list of 20 Popular Box Cake Mixes—Ranked.
50Baked Goods

Unhealthy Ingredient: Potassium bromate (bromated flour)
Banned in the United Kingdom and Canada, potassium bromate is still lurking in some U.S. foods such as pizza, wraps, ruller, brødsmuler, and bagel chips, according to a 2015 analysis by the non-profit Environmental Working Group (EWG). The issue? A 1982 study found the dough strengthener induced tumors in rats and led the EPA to conclude bromate is a "probable human carcinogen." It's also been linked to kidney failure and cell deterioration, according to a 2001 toxicological review of bromate by the EPA. While the FDA has encouraged bakers to voluntarily stop using it since 1991, the EWG found evidence of it lurking in 86 different products, including GOYA's Disco Dough sheets for empanadas.
Eat This! I stedet: This will take a little investigative work on your part, but take a moment to scan the ingredients list next time you're at the market. If you pick up a package with potassium bromate or bromated flour on the label, put it down and pick up something else.
51Bottled Water

Unhealthy Ingredient: BPA (Bisphenol-A)
BPA (one of these Scary Toxins Hiding in Your Cookware and Storage Containers) is a hormone-mimicking chemical found in nearly all food packaging plastics, and it's potentially bad news. Ifølge en studie i Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine , chronic ingestion of this chemical can lead to a variety of hormonal changes, including early puberty in females, sperm, reduction, fedme, and increased rates of reproductive cancers. Active in just parts per billion, a study in Reproductive Toxicology found that one of the things BPA is known for is causing men to grow breasts by disrupting their hormones.
Drink This Instead: Join the increasing amount of people who want to stay hydrated but also remain alive and with little to no change to the size of their breasts by pouring filtered water into a metal flask or non-BPA bottle. We're fans of S'Well bottles since they come in so many cool and colorful patterns.
52Dried Fruit Snacks

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sulfites, added sugars or fruit juice infusions, vegetabilsk olje
Sulfites, which are used to keep prepared foods fresh, are often used in dried fruit snacks. Asthmatics are at an elevated risk for a reaction to sulfites (though anaphylaxis and life-threatening reactions are rare), such as swelling of the throat, utslett, and migraines according to a study in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition . You should also watch out for dried fruits that have added sugars—without water, dried fruits have a higher concentration of sugar than their hydrated counterparts, and really don't need extra of the blood-sugar-spiking stuff. I tillegg many dried fruits are coated in inflammatory vegetable oils, adding unnecessary additional calories and fat to a relatively healthy snack.
Eat This! I stedet: Get your dried fruits from a retailer like Whole Foods, which says that all of their dried fruits are 100 percent sulfate-free.
53American Cheese

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sodium citrate and phosphate
That brick of orange cheese sitting in the dairy case at your supermarket is more than just a flavorless lump of dairy-ish ingredients —it's loaded with icky additives, også. While many companies are thankfully opting for natural colors to give their cheese that trademark bad spray-tan hue, they're still loading those icky slices with ingredients that can seriously harm your health. Kraft Singles are packed with sodium citrate, which can cause muscle spasms and may be unhealthy to individuals with kidney health issues. They're also packed with sodium phosphate, an ingredient used to prevent crystallization of meat and dairy products, which has been linked to an increased risk of bone demineralization, osteoporose, and kidney health issues.
Eat This! I stedet: If you can't fight your cheese cravings, opt for an organic cheese that's made without preservatives or artificial colors. If you're trying to be particularly gentle with your body, opt for an aged white cheddar or parmesan —they're the cheeses with the lowest lactose levels, which make them the least likely to cause digestive distress to the estimated 75 percent of adults who can't fully digest dairy.
54Hvete brød

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, refined white flour
Unless it says 100% Whole Wheat, don't be fooled into thinking your "wheat" bread is that much better for you than the white version. Most some loaves contain a small amount of actual whole grains mixed with unhealthy refined flour, according to Alissa Rumsey MS, RD. Take Bimbo Bakery's "Whole Grain" Loaf as an example. It actually says "Made With Whole Grain" on the front, and by that they mean whole grain flour is listed as the third ingredient:behind regular old white flour and water. What's even more surprising to us is that this two-slice serving actually has 2 more grams of sugar than Bimbo's Soft Wheat Bread. That's because manufacturers increase the amount of added sugar to breads made with whole grains because consumers still look for that sweet taste of white bread with the "healthy" feeling of eating whole grains.
Eat This! I stedet: To ensure you're picking a healthier carb, Rumsey says to look for a package that has "100% whole wheat flour" as the first ingredient.
55Foods Coated with Artificial Chocolate

Unhealthy Ingredient: Polysorbate 60
Short for polyoxyethylene-(20)-sorbitan monostearate, this emulsifier is widely used in the food industry. Made of corn, palm oil, and petroleum, this gooey mix can't spoil, and it often replaces dairy products in baked goods. It's commonly contaminated with 1, 4 dioxane, a chemical which has been shown to cause cancer in animals and could in humans as well, according to a study in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology .
Eat This! I stedet: Foods coated with real chocolate. We like these 7 Best Healthy Chocolates.
Unhealthy Ingredients: Polysorbate 80, yellow 5, natriumbenzoat
Last we checked, cucumbers are naturally green, so we're not quite sure why so many brands (Like Vlasic Dill Kosher Pickles) feel the need to add yellow dyes to their pickle jars. Vlasic also uses polysorbate 80, the same emulsifier used in diet ice creams that's been linked to causing cancer in mice. I tillegg a number of pickle jars are also filled with sodium benzoate, which has been shown to damage mitochondria, the "power station" of cells.
Eat This! I stedet: You don't have to go too far out of your way to find pickles without this additive. For eksempel, Woodstock Farms Organic Baby Kosher Dill Pickles don't have either of the benzoate brothers on its ingredients list.
57Chewing Gum

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners
If you don't swallow it, can chewing gum count as a food? Kinda. Point is this:Although the bulk of gum is indigestible, there are some ingredients that are:the sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners. Sugar alcohols are sugar substitutes have been shown to cause bloating and other gastrointestinal distress. Sorbitol, spesielt, takes a relatively long time to digest, and any undigested sugar alcohol in your small intestine acts as the perfect environment for the fermentation of bacteria, og dermed, causing even more bloating and flatulence. As for artificial sweeteners found in popular gums, you're looking at ingesting additives that have been scientifically shown to trigger your sweet receptors and rev hunger—hence another reason why you're always hungry.
Eat This! I stedet: If you've got a chewing habit, try sunflower seeds. Not only are they tasty, but they are also an excellent source of vitamin E, the body's primary fat-soluble antioxidant.
58Reduced-Fat Peanut Butter

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, hydrogenated vegetable oil, natrium
Don't let its reduced fat content fool you:low-fat peanut butter is in no way a health food. While peanuts on their own are a good source of protein and fiber, the other ingredients used in low-fat peanut butters will have you running for the hills. When the naturally-occurring fats are stripped from peanut butter, they're often replaced with tons of sugar and excess salt to make up for what would otherwise be a bland and flavorless product.
Eat This! I stedet: Skip all the waist-widening sugar and salt and enjoy some full-fat natural peanut butter instead. Spread the Love brand peanut butter is made without added salt, sukker, or oils, and has all the cholesterol-lowering MUFAs that you get from peanuts in their natural state. Peanut butter is also incredibly easy to make on your own:throw some peanuts and a little bit of oil or honey, as per your taste, into a blender and puree until smooth. For our best bets, check out We Tested 10 of the Peanut Butters, and This Is The Best!
59Veggie Burgers
Unhealthy Ingredients: Artificial flavors, disodium inosinate, and caramel color
When you grab a veggie burger, you should look for a solid substitution for the minimally-processed, beef-based patty. Dessverre, countless vegetarian options are not the clean dream you think. MorningStar Farms Spicy Black Bean Burger is full of questionable ingredients like artificial flavors, disodium inosinate (which acts similarly to MSG in that it improves flavor and revs your appetite, so you eat more of this frankenpatty), and carcinogen-tainted caramel color.
Eat This! I stedet: You're far better off with a veggie burger like Amy's Sonoma Burger, which is made entirely of organic vegetables, quinoa, og valnøtter. You'll find some more of our favorites in the 32 Best and Worst Veggie Burgers.
60Instant Oatmeal Cups
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker
Havregryn, a food so innocent, has been corrupted. But with what, du spør? A whole lot of sugar. And it's even worse in the new way brands are packaging instant oatmeal:cups. Because the serving sizes are a bit bigger, manufacturers cram in even more of the stuff. Faktisk, even seemingly healthy brands like McCann's Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal can pack in 21 grams of the sweet stuff into their Apple Cinnamon Cups. That's over 40 percent of your recommended intake of added sugars for the entire day—and it's not even noon!
Eat This! I stedet: Start your morning off on the right foot by opting for some unflavored oats instead. Not only will this save you some serious calories, but it also lends the possibility of adding healthy, filling ingredients, like raw almonds and fruit, to your recipe instead. Liven up your morning meal by adding the 50 Healthy Overnight Oats Recipes for Weight Loss to your repertoire.
61Bottled Lemonade
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, and yellow #5
Beyoncé's Limonade ? Great. Pretty much every other kind of lemonade? Mostly garbage. On top of the boatload of sugar that's in most lemonade recipes, brands like Minute Maid give their bottled and canned lemonade drinks a vibrant hue by using yellow #5, which has been linked to hyperactivity and impaired renal function in animal test subjects.
Eat This! I stedet: Opt for some infused water instead and you'll save yourself a huge number of calories, a ton of sugar, and keep those kidneys working—we hear they're pretty important, after all.
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, hydrogenated vegetable oil, kunstige farger, carnaubavoks
You know those scented candles that smell so delicious you almost want to take a bite? That's pretty much what you're consuming when you add some sprinkles to your ice cream. These sugary little ice cream accessories are little more than sugar, hydrogenerte oljer, kunstige farger, and actual wax, just like your favorite candle.
Eat This! I stedet: Give your favorite frozen treat a little bit more texture and flavor by adding some slivered almonds or cacao nibs; not only will they make your ice cream more pleasing to your palate, they'll also add some healthy fiber and antioxidants to your snack.
63Maraschino Cherries
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sulfur dioxide, calcium chloride, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, red #40
Mix up some preservatives, mais sirup, and dyes and you've got… a sundae topping? Maraschino cherries, known for their vibrant hue and perplexing flavor, are an engineered food that have no place in a healthy diet. When you consider that they can last up to three years in their high fructose corn syrup bath before they even get near their expiration date, you'll definitely want to put them back on the shelf.
Eat This! I stedet: Instead of pulling a syrupy, radioactive-looking cherry out of a jar, try getting it the old-fashioned way:from nature. Cherries are plenty sweet on their own, and even without the benefit of potentially-toxic dyes, they've already got a very pretty color to them. Cherries are also a good source of resveratrol, which can help fight excess belly fat and may even help fend off dementia.
64Fruit Yogurt
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, carrageenan
All those smiling models in yogurt commercials obviously haven't checked out the ingredients list on their purportedly healthy snack. Most fruit-flavored yogurts on the market contain precious little actual fruit, sweetening their recipes with sugar instead. And those brilliant hues you thought were the result of fresh fruit in the recipe? They're usually just from fruit juice concentrate. Another additive you have to watch is carrageenan:a plant-based emulsifier which studies have found to cause inflammation in those with gastrointestinal issues.
Eat This! I stedet: Yogurt doesn't have to be completely off the menu just because you're trying to eat healthier. Plain, unsweetened yogurt is full of live cultures that can benefit your gut bacteria, boosting your immune system and potentially lowering your risk of everything from diabetes to depression. If you're worried about the belly bloat that dairy can cause, coconut milk yogurt with live cultures tastes like the real stuff and has all the same benefits for your belly bacteria.
65Bottled Coffee

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker
When reaching for a bottled coffee beverage, you're probably more concerned with how under-caffeinated you're feeling and less about what could be lurking under that label. Dessverre, some of these sickly-sweet drinks are loaded with more added sugars than you should consume in an entire day, as recommended by the FDA. For eksempel, one 14-ounce bottle of Gold Peak Almond Toffee Coffee Drink contains a staggering 270 calories and 53 grams of sugar . (Another shocker? The whole bottle only dishes out 77 milligrams of caffeine, which is significantly less than the 166 milligrams you'd get for an equal serving size of black coffee.) Other popular drinks, such as Starbucks Coffee-flavored Frappuccino, are nearly as bad, doling out 32 grams of sugar per 9.5-fluid-ounce bottle.
Drink This! I stedet: Keep the convenience and toss out all the added sugar by opting for cold brew instead. This refreshing pick-me-up skips those high-calorie ingredients and gets you more of what you really want:sweet, sweet caffeine. Heldigvis, ready-to-drink cold brew is becoming more widely available, with companies like Chameleon, Blue Bottle, Stumptown, and High Brew offering their flavorful, antioxidant-rich coffees in convenient to-go bottles and cans. Not in the mood for a black coffee? The 20 Easy Ways to Stay Slim at Any Coffee Shop can help you order smart.
66Water Enhancers

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukralose, acesulfame potassium, propylene glycol, yellow 5, yellow 6
Looking to add a little zing to your drink? Don't reach for these manufactured enhancers. Brands like Mio are made up almost entirely of artificial ingredients. The third ingredient in many of these little bottles (behind water and citric acid) is propylene glycol:a preservative, fortykningsmiddel, and stabilizer that is also used as antifreeze to de-ice airplanes, som mykner for å lage polyesterharpikser, og funnet i elektroniske sigaretter. Almost more alarmingly is Mio's use of artificial, non-nutritive sweeteners sucralose and acesulfame potassium, which a recent study published in Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics linked to weight gain and metabolic disorders.
Drink This Instead: Throw a couple of fruit slices into your water for that extra zing you're looking for.
67Frozen Fish &Fish Products
Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)
Something fishy is going down in the frozen-food aisle. To help lower-quality fish retain moisture and to lessen the amount of water expelled during thawing, manufacturers soak fish in a bath of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP)—as they do in Mrs. Paul's Beer Battered Fillets. STPP is a suspected neurotoxin and registered pesticide that the FDA considers "generally recognized as safe" to eat. It might be GRAS, but manufacturers don't need to use this potentially dangerous additive. According to a report by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), "polyphosphates are not an essential ingredient of [frozen fish products]."
Other negative side effects of adding STPP to fish include significantly increasing the levels of sodium in your food—which can counteract the countless positive heart-health benefits of consuming fish in the first place—as well as increasing your intake of dietary phosphates, which are connected to increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease or prior heart problems, according to research in Arkiv for indremedisin .
Eat This! I stedet: Europe, Canada, and other countries have limits on the total level of STPP allowed in seafood (0.1 to 0.5 percent), but the US has no such regulations. Companies aren't required to label this additive, but some packaged products do. Når du er i tvil, stay dry. Seafood labeled as "dry" have not been treated with STPP; seafood marked as "wet" has been soaked in it.
68Granola barer
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, mais sirup, sorbitol, soybean oil, BHT
Granola has long been associated with healthy living, although considering all the garbage that's put in granola bars, the link isn't exactly clear. The combination of sugar, mais sirup, and sorbitol, a weight gain-inducing trifecta found in Quaker Chewy Chocolate chip granola bars should be enough to have most health-conscious consumers steering clear, but the fattening soybean oil and widely-banned potential carcinogen BHT are just the icky cherries on top of this unhealthy recipe.
Eat This! I stedet: Indulge your sweet tooth without sabotaging your health by opting for a Fruit &Nut Delight Kind Bar instead. Loaded with mixed nuts, honning, ris, and flaxseed, this omega-3-rich concoction only tastes decadent.
69Meal Replacement Shakes

Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, caramel color, carrageenan, artificial flavors
Replacing your meal with a pre-packaged shake means you're replacing all the fiber, vitaminer, and minerals you'd normally eat with a whole lot of scary ingredients instead. From blood sugar-spiking high fructose corn syrup and maltodextrin to tumor-promoting artificial colors, these icky shakes are better off in the garbage than on your table.
Drink This! I stedet: Instead of those chalky, medicinal shakes that are high in sugar and low in any redeeming nutritional values, check out our guide to these grab-and-go options:10 Best Store-Bought Protein Shakes, Ifølge eksperter.
70'Light' Butter Substitutes

Unhealthy Ingredients: Soybean oil, palm oil, mono and diglycerides,
Mama's baby may like shortening bread, but that's because the infant's knowledge of what inflammatory oils do to her body is patchy at best. Oils high in omega-6 fatty acids, like soybean oil, contribute to chronic inflammation:a state that causes medical problems that range from weight gain to depression. Palm oil is high in saturated fats that increase levels of bad cholesterol. Separately, when you pick up one of the "light" versions of these butter spreads, you're also ingesting mono and diglycerides, which Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, tells us are considered to be a class of trans fats that have escaped FDA classification as trans fat. "Avoid them anytime you're able to!" Smith advises.
Eat This! I stedet: Choose healthier monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, and increase your intake foods that contain unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, som chiafrø, linfrø, og fisk.

Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, soyabønneolje
Did you know that just 2 tablespoons of salad dressings—like Ken's Steak House Fat Free Sun-Dried Tomato Vinaigrette—contain just as much sugar as a Krispy Kreme Glazed Donut? (P.S. That's 12 grams; the donut only has 10 grams.) Lisa Moskovitz, RD, founder of The NY Nutrition Group, sier, "High fructose corn syrup has been shown to increase appetite and lead to health problems such as obesity and diabetes." While some dressings go overboard with sugar, other dressings—like Marie's Creamy Italian Garlic—load on the fat. This creamy dressing will serve up nearly 30 percent of your day's recommended intake of fat in just two tablespoons. Even worse is that's mostly from inflammatory soybean oil, that studies show can actually increase appetite.
Eat This! I stedet: Oliven olje, balsamic vinegar, sitronsaft, honning, mustard. These are just some of the whole ingredients you can use to concoct in your kitchen that will be far less likely to do you harm. Og hva du enn gjør, stay away from these 20 Unhealthiest Salad Dressings on the Planet.
72Fruit Cocktail
Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup
Just because it's not full of alcohol doesn't mean that fruit cocktail is any healthier than an oversized margarita. Faktisk, with the high fructose corn syrup in these fiber-less fruits, it may be worse. Plus, the BPA used to package many kinds of fruit cocktail has been linked to endocrine issues and obesity, også, making this supposedly healthy snack a poor choice for anyone.
Eat This! I stedet: Just eat fruit. It's healthier, it's not loaded with added sugar, and it hasn't been sitting in a plastic cup on your supermarket's shelf for a decade (we hope).
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, artificial sweeteners, caramel color, polysorbate 60
They say getting a great body is 80 percent nutrition and 20 percent exercise. Dessverre, most protein bars are 100 percent garbage. The combination of sugar, carcinogenic colors, and polysorbate 60, an emulsifier that can create potentially-toxic compounds when combined with other ingredients, makes most protein bars less snack and more health hazard. If you think you're getting a better deal by opting for sugar-free recipes, Tenk igjen; the artificial sweeteners used in sugar-free protein bars have been linked to weight gain and cardiometabolic risk, ifølge en nylig studie i Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics . cravings for real sugar and increased waist circumference.
Eat This! I stedet: Loading up on protein doesn't have to mean loading up on sugar and preservatives, også. A handful of raw almonds, a piece of cheese, or a hard-boiled egg can all help improve your post-workout recovery without weighing you down.
74Flavored Rice
Unhealthy Ingredients: Diglycerides, corn syrup solids
Uncle Ben may not be such a good guy after all. Uncle Ben's Cheddar Broccoli rice is loaded with diglycerides:a food emulsifier that still contains small amounts of trans fats. Odder yet is the inclusion of corn syrup solids, a fattening sweetener that's most commonly found in desserts, but manages to make it into this recipe just to spoil the fun.
Eat This! I stedet: Instead of eating those preservative-laden pre-seasoned rice mixes, you can easily save both your money and your health by making a batch of easy-to-prepare brown rice. Brown rice is not only filling, but a good source of resistant starch, which researchers at South Dakota State University have linked to improvements in gut bacteria, potentially lowering consumers' risk of diabetes and obesity along the way. If you're not a fan of unseasoned rice, try adding some healthy toppings, like a little heart-healthy olive oil, metabolism-boosting chili pepper, or antioxidant-rich spices, like sage, basilikum, and oregano.
75Sugar-Free Jam

Unhealthy Ingredients: Kunstige søtningsstoffer
Although it could help regulate your blood sugar, Polaner's jam shouldn't be your go-to source for fiber. It's sweetened with the artificial sweetener sucralose, which a 2016 study published in the journal Cellemetabolisme found may be recalibrating the connection between sweetness and calories in your brain. Researchers discovered that mice consumed 30 percent more calories when they switched from eating sucralose-sweetened food to sugar-sweetened food. The sweetener has also been connected to decreased sleep quality and poor gut health—a recipe for weight gain.
Eat This! I stedet: Your safest bet is to top your peanut butter sandwiches with fresh pieces of fruit like banana and strawberries. You'll get a similar taste with none of the artificial sweeteners. Not willing to ditch your spread? Try Polaner All Fruit Spreadable Fruit Apricot. The spread is free of added sugars. Looking to take your peanut butter and fruit sandwiches to the next level? Try using one of our go-to healthy nut butters.
76Sugar-Free Chocolate

Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukralose, maltitol
It's completely understandable if you're trying to reel in your sweet tooth a bit—just don't use sugar-free sweets as a crutch. Instead of sugar, manufacturers (like Russell Stover) add in artificial sweeteners like Splenda and sugar alcohols like maltitol, which can have a laxative effect if eaten in excess.
Eat This! I stedet: If you're looking for a treat that will make your taste buds sing—and not send you running straight for the bathroom—skip this bar and check out the best dark chocolates for weight loss instead.
77Refried Beans
Unhealthy Ingredients: Lard, hydrogenated lard
Bønner, bønner, they're good for your heart! Vi vil, until you add hydrogenated lard to them. High in saturated fat, these refried beans should stay off your grocery list. Replace them with a low-sodium, vegetarian version.
Eat This! I stedet: Check out Amy's Vegetarian Organic Refried Beans, Light in Sodium for a better alternative. And while we're on the subject of canned foods, why don't you also try to steer clear of these Unhealthiest Canned Foods On The Planet.
78Fast Food Chicken Nuggets
Unhealthy Ingredients: Diglycerides, Red #40, carrageenan
Chicken nuggets all start with chicken but also contain several synthetic ingredients from diglycerides to Red #40 to carrageenan. These chemicals help make overly-processed foods like chicken nuggets possible because that's what keeps the (very few) organic materials in the nuggets from going bad (or looking weird) after days spent traveling on the road or months in the freezer. But even if you buy them at the grocery store, you might not be safe. Check out our exclusive report of The Most Popular Chicken Nuggets—Ranked!
Eat This! I stedet: Organic chicken breasts cut into pieces, coated with egg and breadcrumbs, and baked in your oven. Voila! Homemade, healthy nuggets.
The Unhealthiest Packaged Foods Worth Avoiding

Now that you just read what are generally the unhealthiest foods you should avoid, we just had to call out some of the specific, unhealthiest packaged products you can buy at your local grocery store.
Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium phosphate and canola oil
Long story short:it's not real cheese. The sauce is referred to as "liquid gold" and with a super long list of ingredients that includes canola oil—which provides inflammatory omega-6s—and sodium phosphate, it's best to avoid any variation of this stuff. And can you really trust any cheese product that can sit in your pantry for months and still be edible?
Eat This! I stedet: There are plenty of actual cheeses you can turn to for any of your cheesy desires, whether it's to add to a pasta dish or just to munch on as a midday snack. We uncovered the 20 Best and Worst Cheeses in America for you.
80Tostitos Salsa Con Queso
Unhealthy Ingredient: Yellow #5 and #6
While there are some (very) small traces of real cheese in this dip, there are too many scary additives like canola oil, sodium phosphate, and Yellow #5 and #6 to make this game-day staple something you should keep eating.
Eat This! I stedet: Why not just make your own salsa or guacamole even—as we know avocados are great for lowering cholesterol—and add melted cheese to it? A simple and much healthier swap!
81Cheez Whiz

Unhealthy Ingredient: Rapsolje, sodium phosphate, mais sirup, caramel color
This processed cheese has a long list of ingredients, including a lot of artificial flavors, colors, fillers, preservatives…and not much actual cheese. Plus, 2 tablespoons of this dip knocks you back 410 mg of sodium!
Eat This! I stedet: Reach for a block of 100 percent real cheddar instead. You can never go wrong with the real stuff.
82Nissin Cup Noodles
Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium
The original Cup Noodles might bring on a case of nostalgia if it's something you used to eat when you were a kid, but it's best to keep this soup in the past. With one single serving dishing up more than 1, 000 mg of sodium, just say no to this processed soup.
Eat This! I stedet: While nothing beats homemade soup, if you're pressed for time, try a canned version like Pacific Organic Reduced Sodium Chicken Noodle Soup that is not only much lower in sodium, but contains simple ingredients you actually want to see in your soup, such as cooked chicken, chicken broth, erter, gulrøtter, og krydder.
83Milano Cookies
Unhealthy Ingredient: Hydrogenated soybean oil, sukker
Reaching for those milk chocolate Milanos might seem like a fancy treat, but don't let the cookies fool you. Not only are there some questionable ingredients listed, but in just three cookies, you're getting over a quarter of your daily recommended intake of added sugars if you're sticking to 2, 000 calories a day.
Eat This! I stedet: Fat Snax cookies are not only low carb, but they also have no sugar. Plus, they're keto-friendly! Each packet comes with two cookies and with the chocolate chip and double chocolate chip flavors, you'll be able to satisfy your sweet tooth with a filling dessert option.
84Totino's Pizza Rolls
Unhealthy Ingredient: Sodium nitrite, BHA, BHT
Imitation mozzarella cheese listed so high up in the ingredients list says it all! But there are tons of scary additives and preservatives in here, også, like sodium nitrite, sodium phosphate, BHA, and BHT that are all just no-gos.
Eat This! I stedet: You can break out the English Muffins for mini personal pies that make for a filling snack instead. No imitation cheese here!
85Toaster Strudel
Unhealthy Ingredient: High fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated palm oil, soybean oil, sukralose, artificial colors
These frozen breakfast pastries do not contain any nutrients you need to kickstart the day, and they're filled with ingredients you should always stay away from, like high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated palm oil, which is listed as "adds a trivial amount of trans fat." Is that really what you want?
Eat This! I stedet: If you're going to eat something sweet for breakfast you should always look for something that will fill you up with fiber and protein. And any of The 41 Worst Supermarket Breakfast Foods in America.
86Hershey's Gold Bar
Unhealthy Ingredient :Sugar
This chocolate bar made the list of our unhealthiest foods in both 2017 and 2018, thanks to the fact that it blends fatty chocolate with salty pretzels, creating a saturated-fat-and-sugar knockout. With 20 grams of sugar, you better leave this bar in the candy aisle.
Eat This! I stedet: Dark chocolate is always preferred over milk chocolate, especially it's less processed and has antioxidants. You still have to keep portion control in mind, but munching on a Theo Organic Salted Almond 70% Dark Chocolate Bar is a much better option than the Hershey's Gold Bar.
87Mott's Applesauce
Unhealthy Ingredient: High fructose corn syrup
You would think something as simple as applesauce would just contain apples, as the fruit itself is already filled with natural sugars (one medium apple has 19 grams). But a small cup of Mott's applesauce with cinnamon comes in at 24 grams of sugar and features high fructose corn syrup listed as the second ingredient. Nei takk!
Eat This! I stedet: Musselman's Natural Unsweetened Applesauce comes in at only 50 calories and has no added sugars.
88Nilla Wafers
Unhealthy Ingredients: Soybean oil, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil
They may be a staple of banana pudding, but Nilla Wafers are harboring inflammatory soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup.
Eat This! I stedet: Check out any of our Eat This-approved cookies via our ranking:35 Most Popular Cookies in America—Ranked!.
89Hot Pockets
Unhealthy Ingredients: Carrageenan, soybean oil, mono and diglycerides
Hot Pockets' ability to be both the temperature of molten lava while simultaneously frozen defies everything we know about science, og fortsatt, people are still eating them. If their perplexing temperature issues weren't enough to turn you off, consider that the Ham and Cheese Hot Pocket contains the following ingredients:soybean oil, carrageenan, mono- and diglycerides. Not enough to keep you away? Consider the fact that these also contain what's appetizingly described as "fully cooked ham and water product, " and, for whatever perplexing reason, includes cheese ingredients described as "ingredients not in regular cheddar cheese."
Eat This! I stedet: Get some unsweetened whole-grain bread, a few slices of preservative-free meat, and pop it on a panini press! Your un-scorched mouth will thank you. For the sake of your health, stick to the 31 Best Frozen Foods in America when a Hot Pocket craving hits.
90Slim Jim
Unhealthy Ingredients: Corn syrup, caramel color
High protein dieters who turn to beef jerky as a snack may be in for a not-so-pleasant surprise:their favorite bagged meat chunks are loaded with corn syrup, også. To make hunks of dried beef more palatable, many brands (like Slim Jim) add a pretty shocking amount of corn syrup, and some caramel color to make the stuff look less like the inside of a dead cow.
Eat This! I stedet: Healthy high-protein snacks aren't hard to find if you know where to look. A spoonful of natural peanut butter on some Mary's Gone Crackers, which are vegan, organic, gluten-free, and made with whole grains, can keep you full without all the extras you don't want.
Unhealthy Ingredients: Sukker, soybean oil, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, caramel color, TBHQ
When you have just a few minutes to wake up, get dressed, and head out the door, it's no wonder that so many people turn to convenience foods to settle their growling stomachs in the morning. Dessverre, for those who opt for Pop-Tarts, any time they're saving is coming at a high cost to their health. Loaded with fattening ingredients like sugar, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, and soybean oil, Pop-Tarts aren't a recipe for poor health. Even scarier are potentially carcinogenic caramel color and TBHQ, a preservative that has been linked to liver health issues and vision problems by the National Library of Medicine.
Eat This! I stedet: If you want a convenient breakfast treat that's got fewer of the chemicals you'd find in a traditional Pop-Tart, Annie's Organic Toaster Pastries fit the bill. While they're still not exactly health food, they use whole wheat and rice flours, natural colors, and a little bit of actual fruit in their recipes. Start every day on the right foot with the 56 Smoothies for Weight Loss!
92Chef Boyardee Spaghetti &Meatballs
Unhealthy Ingredients: High fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring, soyabønneolje
Who knew that eating just a cup of spaghetti and meatballs would fill you up with 8 grams of sugar? That's exactly what will happen if you eat Chef Boyardee's Jumbo Spaghetti &Meatballs, which has high fructose corn syrup in their sauce. Another issue with the food? A a significant amount of protein in those meatballs comes from soy protein concentrate. Unlike a protein isolate, protein concentrate contains more of the nutrients found in soy, which could mean it's more likely to contain traces of the carcinogen-containing pesticides used in genetically-modified soy production. For å gjøre vondt verre, the meatballs are dyed with caramel color and most of their 13 grams of fat comes from soybean oil.
Eat This! I stedet: When the craving for pasta strikes, try some of these 40 Ultimate Pasta Tips to Stay Skinny. Sikker, making noodles from scratch may take some additional time, but at least you'll have leftovers for days.
Unhealthy Ingredient: Monosodium glutamate
Everyone knows that when you buy Doritos, you're bound to finish the entire bag—and it's no surprise. The recipe for the popular chip was specially designed so that no single flavor overpowers another. When foods lack a dominant flavor, people are less apt to feel full and, i sin tur, consume more, say researchers. Hva mer, one of the first ingredients on the food's label is monosodium glutamate (MSG), an additive that's been known to increase appetite, and make foods taste more appetizing, according to a study in Physiology and Behavior . And if you thought that Dorito breath was just a coincidental side effect of munching on the snack, Tenk igjen. The powerful savory taste lingering in your mouth is an example of a tactic called "long hang-time flavor" that's used to lure snackers into going back for more. With all of these factors working against you, it's really no wonder you're defenseless when Doritos come around.
Eat This! I stedet: Beanitos Nacho Nation White Bean Chips. A serving of these bean-based chips has 4 grams of belly-filling fiber, so you'll definitely be able to put the bag down once you've eaten your fill. Plus, they're free of MSG, which should let your natural willpower kick in.
Unhealthy Ingredients: Monosodium glutamate, Yellow #6
It's not your imagination:This orange, puffy snack melts the second it hits your tongue —a phenomenon food scientists like Steven Witherly have dubbed "vanishing caloric density." And it's definitely not an accidental quality of your chips, enten. Food developers know that when foods melt quickly, it tricks the brain into thinking you're not eating as many calories. På sin side, snackers wind up eating a much larger serving. The sound Cheetos make when you bite into them was also specially developed to get you hooked. The crunchy sound makes them taste more appetizing, likely because we associate the sound with freshness, ifølge en studie i Journal of Sensory Studies . Hva mer, Cheetos are doused with MSG, which has been shown to increase appetite and make foods taste even more delicious.
Eat This! I stedet: Blue Diamond Natural Almond Nut-Thins in Cheddar Cheese. These rice and almond-based crackers offer a Cheeto-esque taste with three grams of hunger-busting protein per serving. Most importantly, they're free of those tricky vanishing calories that cause us to overeat.
Unhealthy Ingredients: Palm oil, alkali processed cocoa, high fructose corn syrup
Oreos don't come with a warning, but maybe they should! Not only are they filled with palm oil, a fat that promotes fat-causing inflammation, but Oreos, while known for their "cream" filling, don't actually have any real cream in them. There aren't any dairy products used in Oreo cookies, which isn't necessarily a bad thing for those who eat a dairy-free diet, but it's important to note the ingredients that are present are anything but good for you. No wonder why they're one of our worst supermarket cookies in America!
Eat This! I stedet: Nothin' But Chocolate Coconut Almond Granola Cookies. These chewy bites don't quite look or taste like Oreos, but they sure are a lot healthier—and far less addicting. Made from a delicious combination of almonds, havre, sjokolade, kokosnøtt, cane sugar, spices and espresso powder instead of a mound of processed ingredients, this treat is kinder to your waistline than the traditional twist-and-lick combo.
96Chips Ahoy! Informasjonskapsler

Unhealthy Ingredients: Partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå, artificial flavor, caramel color
Nabisco still uses artery-clogging, brain-draining fats in their Chips Ahoy! Chocolate chip cookies. And on top of that, if the 11 grams of sugar per serving wasn't enough to deter you, they're made with high fructose corn syrup, which can increase body weight, body fat, and triglyceride levels, according to a Princeton University study.
Eat This! I stedet: So you can indulge in your cravings without the guilt, we rounded up the 18 Best and Worst Chocolate Chip Cookies.
97Sugar-Free Jell-O
Unhealthy Ingredients: Artificial flavor, aspartame, acesulfame potassium
Pro tip:if your food shakes more than Shakira, oddsen er, it's not the all-natural treat you're hoping for. While Jell-O's ubiquity as hospital food is enough to turn most people's stomachs, its ingredients list makes it an even worse offender. Artificial sweeteners and flavors team up in this wiggly dessert to form an unholy duo that's bad for both your health and weight loss efforts.
Eat This! I stedet: With a little gelatin, some fruit, and a hint of honey, you can whip up your own batch of gelatin dessert that's all-natural, preservative-free, and pretty tasty, også. If it's just the fruit flavor you're craving, smoothie pops can similarly satisfy your sweet tooth while adding tons of fiber and antioxidants to your snack.
98Matador Original Beef Jerky
Unhealthy Ingredients: MSG, sodium nitrate
This jerky has upwards of 700 milligrams of blood-pressure-raising sodium, which is more than four times what you'd find in the same serving of chips. It not only uses MSG and not much else to flavor it besides smoke flavoring and sugar, but it contains purified nitrites. Under conditions of high heat or stomach acid, sodium nitrite reacts with amines to form cancer-causing chemicals called nitrosamines. Luckily though, this reaction can be hindered by the addition of citric acid, which Matador includes in its recipe. Fortsatt, it's best to say no to this jerk.
Eat This! I stedet: Brooklyn Biltong keeps its ingredients list simple, has no artificial preservatives and is naturally sugar-free. This beef is not only more tender than the other jerky option, but overall much more healthy for you.
99Cool Whip
Unhealthy Ingredients: Hydrogenated vegetable oil, maissirup med høyt fruktosenivå,
Ever wondered why Cool Whip doesn't bill itself as whipped cream? It turns out, this creamy topping is many things, and cream is only actually one of them. While it does contain a little bit of skim milk and light cream, this dessert topping is mainly water, vegetabilsk olje, and high fructose corn syrup.
Eat This! I stedet: The topping on your treats doesn't have to be toxic. While old-fashioned whipped cream isn't exactly waist-friendly, you can make your very own version that's just as tasty by whipping some coconut milk instead. It has the same creaminess you'd get from traditional whipped cream, but with no added fat or sugar, and a much more digestible recipe.

Unhealthy Ingredient: Sucralose
It might have zero calories, but that doesn't mean it has zero effects on your health. A recent Canadian Medical Association Journal review of 37 studies analyzed the dietary habits of nearly 406, 000 mennesker. The researchers discovered that non-nutritive, artificial sweeteners, such as sucralose, don't actually support weight management and may be associated with weight gain and cardiometabolic risk if consumed regularly.
Eat This! I stedet: Before sugar was widely available, people's go-to sweetener was honey, and it still stacks up. Although honey is high in fructose, it also contains a lot of cancer-busting antioxidants. I tillegg local honey has been said to help alleviate allergy symptoms.
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